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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] USERDUMPdefines a collision "tape" (or better a collision file, or a phase space file) to be written. This command activates calls to the user routine MGDRAW and to its entries BXDRAW, EEDRAW, ENDRAW, SODRAW, USDRAW (see description in (13)). The default version of the routine writes a complete dump (unformatted) of one or more of the following: - all source particles - all particle trajectories - all local (pointlike) energy deposition events - all continuous energy deposition events - user-defined events Users can modify the routine by removing the existing lines of code and by writing their own code under one or more of the entries. If SDUM is different from UDQUENCH:WHAT(1) >= 100 : calls to MGDRAW and/or its entries are activated as directed by the values of WHAT(3) and WHAT(4) = 0.0 : ignored =< 0.0 : the default is reset, i.e. no dump is written > 0.0 and < 100: not allowed! Originally used to request another form of collision tape. Presently only the "new" form of collision tape is possible (the old one being incompatible with the present version of FLUKA). WHAT(2) : if the default version of MGDRAW is used, number of the unformatted output unit. Values of WHAT(2) < 21 must be avoided because of possible conflicts with FLUKA pre-defined units. If a user version is used, the output file can be defined as formatted or unformatted, and the unit number can be defined by an explicit OPEN statement in MGDRAW. Default: 49 WHAT(3): if the default version of MGDRAW is used: <= 0: source particles, trajectories, continuous and local energy losses are all dumped 1: only source particles are dumped 2: only trajectories and continuous energy losses are dumped 3: only local energy losses are dumped (e.g., heavy recoil kerma, cutoff energy). Proton recoils are not included (since recoil protons are transported by FLUKA) 4: source particles, trajectories and continuous energy losses are dumped 5: source particles and local energy losses are dumped 6: trajectories and all energy losses (continuous and local) are dumped >= 7: source particles, trajectories, continuous and local energy losses are not dumped (but user-defined dumps required by WHAT(4) are unaffected) if a user version is used: <= 0: call to MGDRAW at each particle step and at each occurrence of a continuous energy loss, to ENDRAW at each local energy loss, to SODRAW every time a source particle is started, to BXDRAW at each boundary crossing, and to EEDRAW at each end of event. 1: calls to SODRAW and EEDRAW 2: calls to MGDRAW, EEDRAW and BXDRAW 3: calls to ENDRAW, EEDRAW and BXDRAW 4: calls to SODRAW, MGDRAW, EEDRAW and BXDRAW 5: calls to SODRAW, ENDRAW, EEDRAW and BXDRAW 6: calls to MGDRAW, ENDRAW, EEDRAW and BXDRAW >= 7: no calls to MGDRAW, SODRAW, ENDRAW, EEDRAW, BXDRAW (but calls to USDRAW and EEDRAW requested by WHAT(4) are unaffected) Default = 0.0 (calls are made to MGDRAW, ENDRAW, SODRAW, BXDRAW and EEDRAW, provided WHAT(1) >= 100.0) WHAT(4)>= 1: user-defined dumps after physical events are activated (calls to USDRAW and EEDRAW) = 0: ignored < 0: resets to default (user dependent dumps after physical events are de-activated) Default: in the default version no calls to USDRAW are done WHAT(5...6) = not used SDUM = name of the output file (max. 10 characters). The user can define a longer name by an explicit Fortran OPEN statement in MGDRAW. If SDUM = UDQUENCH:WHAT(1) : BRKMG1(1), First Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for a first material, in g/(MeV cm2) WHAT(2) : BRKMG2(1), Second Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for the first material, in g2/(MeV2 cm4) WHAT(3) : BRKMG1(2), First Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for a second material, in g/(MeV cm2) WHAT(4) : BRKMG2(2), Second Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for the second material, in g2/(MeV2 cm4) WHAT(5) : BRKMG1(3), First Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for a third material, in g/(MeV cm2) WHAT(6) : BRKMG2(3), Second Birks parameter for quenching, to be used in MGDRAW for the third material, in g2/(MeV2 cm4) SDUM = UDQUENCH Default (option USERDUMP not given): no dump will be written. Notes:
Example: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 USERDUMP 200. 37.0 2.0 TRAKFILE * It is requested to write a binary file TRAKFILE, containing all trajectories * and continuous energy losses, and pre-connected to the logical output unit 37. |
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