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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] USRBINscores distribution of one of several quantities in a regular
spatial structure (binning detector) independent from the geometry.
WHAT(1) : code indicating the type of binning selected. Each type is characterised by a number of properties: * structure of the mesh (spatial: R-Z, R-Phi-Z, Cartesian, or special - by region, or user-defined) * quantity scored: - energy deposited (total or electromagnetic only), dose - stars, fissions (total, high energy or low energy) - neutron balance - activity, specific activity - displacements per atom, non ionising energy losses (restricted or unrestricted) - dose equivalent: convoluting fluence with conversion coefficients (total or electromagnetic only) or multiplying dose by a LET-dependent quality factor - momentum transfer - net charge - fluence (track-length density), silicon 1 MeV-equivalent neutron flux * method used for scoring (old algorithm where the energy lost in a step by a charged particle is deposited in the middle of the step, or new algorithm where the energy lost is apportioned among different bins according to the relevant step fraction - see more in Note 14) * mesh symmetry (no symmetry, or specular symmetry around one of the coordinate planes, or around the origin point) 0.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, no symmetry Quantity scored: - if WHAT(2) = 208 (ENERGY), 211 (EM-ENRGY), 228 (DOSE), 229 (UNB-ENER), 230 (UNB-EMEN), 239 (DPA-SCO), 238 (NIEL-DEP), 243 (DOSEQLET) or 244 (RES-NIEL): energy or non ionising energy density or displacements per atom or dose equivalent calculated with a Quality Factor (deposited with the old algorithm at midstep, see Note 14) - if WHAT(2) = 219 (FISSIONS), 220 (HE-FISS) or 221 (LE-FISS): fission density - if WHAT(2) = 222 (NEU-BALA), neutron balance density - if WHAT(2) = 231 (X-MOMENT), 232 (Y-MOMENT) or 233 (Z-MOMENT): momentum transfer density - if WHAT(2) = 234 (ACTIVITY) or 235 (ACTOMASS): activity or specific activity - if WHAT(2) = 242 (NET-CHRG): net charge - WHAT(2) = 240 (DOSE-EQ), 241 (DOSE-EM): not allowed - otherwise, density of stars produced by particles (or families of particles) with particle code or name = WHAT(2) 1.0 : Mesh: R-Z or R-Phi-Z, no symmetry. Phi is the azimuthal angle around the Z axis, measured from -pi to +pi relative to the X axis. Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 2.0 : Mesh: by region (1 bin corresponds to n regions, with n = 1 to 3) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 3.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- X (i.e. |x| is used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 4.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- Y (i.e. |y| is used for scoring). Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 5.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- Z (i.e. |z| is used for scoring). Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 6.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry around the origin (i.e. |x|, |y| and |z| are used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 7.0 : Mesh: R-Z or R-Phi-Z, with symmetry +/- Z (i.e. |z| is used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 0.0 8.0 : Special user-defined 3D binning. Two variables are discontinuous (e.g. region number), the third one is continuous, but not necessarily a space coordinate. See (13) for instructions on how to write, compile and link the user routines. Variable # Type Default Override routine 1st integer region number MUSRBR 2nd integer lattice cell number LUSRBL 3rd continuous pseudo-rapidity FUSRBV 10.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, no symmetry Quantity scored: if WHAT(2) = 208 (ENERGY), 211 (EM-ENRGY), 228 (DOSE), 229 (UNB-ENER), 230 (UNB-EMEN), 239 (DPA-SCO), 238 (NIEL-DEP) or 244 (RES-NIEL): energy or non ionising energy density or displacements per atom (apportioned with the new algorithm along the step, as explained in Note 14). WHAT(2) = 219 (FISSIONS), 220 (HE-FISS), 221 (LE-FISS), 222 (NEU-BALA), 231 (X-MOMENT), 232 (Y-MOMENT), 233 (Z-MOMENT), 234 (ACTIVITY), 235 (ACTOMASS): not allowed. WHAT(2) = 240 (DOSE-EQ): Dose equivalent. Otherwise, fluence (tracklength density) of particles (or families of particles) with particle code or name = WHAT(2) 11.0 : Mesh: R-Z or R-Phi-Z, no symmetry Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 12.0 : Mesh: by region (1 bin corresponds to n regions, with n = 1 to 3) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 13.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- X (|x| used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 14.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- Y (|y| used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 15.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry +/- Z (|z| used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 16.0 : Mesh: Cartesian, with symmetry around the origin (|x|,|y|, |z| used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 17.0 : Mesh: R-Z or R-Phi-Z, with symmetry +/- Z (|z| used for scoring) Quantity scored: same as for WHAT(1) = 10.0 Default = 0.0 (Cartesian scoring without symmetry, star density or energy density deposited at midstep with the old algorithm) WHAT(2) : particle (or particle family) type to be scored If WHAT(2) = 208 (ENERGY), 211 (EM-ENRGY), 228 (DOSE), 229 (UNB-ENER) or 230 (UNB-EMEN): If WHAT(1) < 10, the binning will score energy deposition with the old algorithm. If WHAT(1) >= 10, the new deposition algorithm will be used (more accurate, see Note 14). If WHAT(2) = 219 (FISSIONS), 220 (HE-FISS) or 221 (LE-FISS), and WHAT(1) < 10, the binning will score fission density. WHAT(1) >= 10 is not allowed. If WHAT(2) = 231 (X-MOMENT), 232 (Y-MOMENT) or 233 (Z-MOMENT), and WHAT(1) < 10, the binning will score density of momentum transfer. WHAT(1) >= 10 is not allowed. If WHAT(2) = 234 (ACTIVITY) or 235 (ACTOMASS), and WHAT(1) < 10, the binning will score specific activity. WHAT(1) >= 10 is not allowed. If WHAT(2) = 240 (DOSE-EQ) and WHAT(1) >= 10, the binning will score dose equivalent calculated as convolution of particle fluences and conversion coefficients (see option AUXSCORE). WHAT(1) < 10 is not allowed. Any other particle (or family of particles) requested will score: a) if WHAT(1) < 10, density of stars produced by particles (or family of particles) with particle code (or name) = WHAT(2). Of course, this choice is meaningful only for particles that can produce stars (hadrons, photons and muons). b) if WHAT(1) >= 10, fluence of particles (or family of particles) with particle code (or name) = WHAT(2). Note that it is not possible to score energy fluence with this option alone (it is possible, however, by writing a special version of the user routine FLUSCW - see (13)) Default: 208.0 (total energy density) WHAT(3) = logical output unit: > 0.0 : formatted data are written on WHAT(3) unit < 0.0 : unformatted data are written on |WHAT(3)| unit Values of |WHAT(1)| < 21 should be avoided (with the exception of +11). Default: WHAT(3) = 11.0 (standard output unit) WHAT(4) = For Cartesian binning: Xmax For R-Z and R-Phi-Z binning: Rmax For region binning: last region of the first region set For special binnings, upper limit of the first user-defined variable (last region if the default version of the MUSRBR routine is not overridden) No default WHAT(5) = For Cartesian binning: Ymax For R-Z binning: Y coordinate of the binning axis (in R-Phi-Z binnings, the Y coordinate must be zero). For region binning: last region of the second region set For special binnings, upper limit of the second user-defined variable (last lattice cell if the default version of the LUSRBL routine is not overridden) No default WHAT(6) = For R-Z, R-Phi-Z and Cartesian binnings: Zmax For region binnings, last region of the 3rd region set For special binnings, upper limit of the 3rd user-defined variable (eta_max if the default version of the FUSRBV routine is not overridden) No default SDUM = any character string (not containing '&') identifying the binning detector (max. 10 characters) Continuation card: (not needed if the defaults are acceptable) WHAT(1) = For Cartesian binning: Xmin (if X symmetry is requested, Xmin cannot be negative) For R-Z and R-Phi-Z binning: Rmin For region binnings, first region of the first region set Default: equal to last region (= WHAT(4) in the first USRBIN card) For special binnings, lower limit of the first user-defined variable (first region if the default version of the MUSRBR routine is not overridden) Default: 0.0 WHAT(2) = For Cartesian binning: Ymin (if Y symmetry is requested, Ymin cannot be negative) For R-Z binning: X coordinate of the binning axis (in R-Phi-Z binnings, the X coordinate must be zero). For region binnings, first region of the second region set Default: equal to last region (= WHAT(5) in the first USRBIN card) For special binnings, lower limit of the second user-defined variable (first lattice cell if the default version of the LUSRBL routine is not overridden) Default: 0.0 WHAT(3) = For Cartesian, R-Z and R-Phi-Z binnings: Zmin (if Z symmetry is requested, Zmin cannot be negative) For region binnings, first region of the third region set Default: equal to last region (= WHAT(6) in the first USRBIN card) For special binnings, lower limit of the 3rd user-defined variable (eta_min if the default version of the FUSRBV routine is not overridden) Default: 0.0 WHAT(4) = For Cartesian binning: number of X bins (default: 30.0) For R-Z and R-Phi-Z binning: number of R bins (default: 50.0) For region binnings, step increment for going from the first to the last region of the first region set (Default: 1) For special binnings, step increment for going from the first to the last "region" (or similar) (Default: 1) WHAT(5) = For Cartesian binning: number of Y bins (default: 30.0) For R-Phi-Z: number of Phi bins (default is R-Z: 1 Phi bin) For region binnings, step increment for going from the first to the last region of the second region set (Default: 1) For special binnings, step increment for going from the first to the last "lattice cell" (or similar) (Default: 1) WHAT(6) = For Cartesian, R-Z and R-Phi-Z binnings: number of Z bins Default: 10.0 for Cartesian, 50.0 for R-Z and R-Phi-Z For region binnings, step increment for going from the first to the last region of the third region set (Default: 1) For special binnings, number of intervals for the third variable ("eta", or similar) (Default: 1) SDUM = & in any position in column 71 to 78 Default (option USRBIN not given): no binning detector Notes:
The available binning shapes are Cartesian (3-D rectangular, with planes perpendicular to the coordinate axes), R-Z (2-D cylindrical, with the cylinder axis parallel to the z-axis), and R-Phi-Z (3-D cylindrical).
Example: *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 USRBIN 10.0 ELECTRON -25.0 7.0 7.0 12.1 verythin USRBIN -7.0 -7.0 12.0 35.0 35.0 1.0 & * Cartesian binning of electron tracklength density, to be written * unformatted on unit 25. Mesh is 35 bins between x = -7 and x = 7, 35 bins * between y = -7 and y = 7, and 1 bin between z = 12 and z = 12.1 |
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