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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] WW-THREShdefines the energy limits for a Russian Roulette/splitting weight
window and applies particle-dependent modification factors to the
windows defined by WW-FACTOr
WHAT(1) > 0.0: upper kinetic energy threshold in GeV for RR/Splitting with a weight window. For low-energy neutrons, corresponding (smallest) group number (included). = 0.0: ignored < 0.0: any previously selected threshold is cancelled WHAT(2) >= 0.0 and < WHAT(1): lower kinetic energy threshold in GeV for RR/Splitting with a weight window. For low-energy neutrons, corresponding (largest) group number (included) < 0.0 or > WHAT(1): WHAT(2) is set = WHAT(1) WHAT(3) > 0.0: amplification factor used to define the weight window width at the higher energy threshold represented by WHAT(1). The weight window at the higher energy threshold is obtained by multiplying by WHAT(3) the top edge of the window (splitting level) at the lower threshold, and dividing by the same factor the bottom edge (RR-level). < 0.0: |WHAT(3)| is used as multiplication factor for the bottom and top levels of every region for the particles selected by WHAT(4-6). That is, for such particle(s) both bottom and top levels are multiplied by |WHAT(3)| Default = 10.0 (amplification factor for the splitting and RR-level at the higher threshold). The particle dependent multiplication factor by default is set = 1.0. WHAT(4) = lower bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding particle name) to which the indicated weight window energy limits apply Note that particle number 40 indicates low-energy neutrons (for this purpose only!). Particle number 8 indicates neutrons with energy > 20 MeV. ("From particle WHAT(4)..."). Default = 1.0. WHAT(5) = upper bound of the particle numbers (or corresponding particle name) to which the indicated weight window energy limits apply ("...to particle WHAT(5)..."). Default = WHAT(4) if WHAT(4) > 0, all particles otherwise. WHAT(6) = step length in assigning numbers. ("...in steps of WHAT(6)"). Default = 1.0. SDUM = PRIMARY: the weight window applies also to primary particles (default) = NOPRIMARy: the weight window doesn't apply to primaries Default (option WW-THRESh or WW-FACTOr not given): no weight window is defined Notes:
Example (number based): *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 WW-THRESh 2.0 0.05 2.4 3.0 7.0 0.0 * The weight window weight limits for particles 3 to 7 (practically electrons, * positrons and photons, since neutrinos are discarded), which have been set * by WW-FACTOr are applied as such below 50 MeV. Above that energy, the width * of the window is progressively increased up to 2 GeV: at 2 GeV, the upper * weight limit is a factor 2.4 larger and the lower limit a factor 2.4 * smaller. The same example, name based: WW-THRESh 2.0 0.05 2.4 ELECTRON PHOTON 0.0 |
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