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[ <--- prev -- ] [ HOME ] [ -- next ---> ] 12 Generating and propagating optical photonsFLUKA can be used to generate and propagate optical photons of Cherenkov,
scintillation and transition radiation light. Light generation is switched
off by default and is activated and totally controlled by the user by means
of data cards and user routines. This is true also for the optical properties of
materials. These include the refraction index as a function of wave-length
(or frequency or energy), the reflection coefficient of a given material,
OPT-PROP: to set optical properties of materials. OPT-PROD: to manage light generation. See the corresponding detailed description of these options and of their
parameters in Chapter (7).
RFRNDX: to specify a refraction index as a function of wavelength, frequency or energy RFLCTV: to specify the reflectivity of a material. This can be activated by card OPT-PROP with SDUM = METAL and WHAT(3) < -99. OPHBDX: to set optical properties of a boundary surface. The call is activated by card OPT-PROP with SDUM = SPEC-BDX. FRGHNS: to set a possible degree of surface roughness, in order to have both diffusive and specular reflectivity from a given material surface. QUEFFC: to request a detailed quantum efficiency treatment. This is activated by card OPT-PROP with SDUM = SENSITIV, setting the 0-th optical photon sentitivity parameter to a value lesser than -99 (WHAT(1) < -99). All running values of optical photon tracking are contained in the TRACKR common block, just as for the other ordinary elementary particles. 12.1 Cherenkov transport and quantum efficiency
In order to use quantum efficiency (using the QUEFFC routine)
the user must input a sensitivity < -100 using the OPT-PROP option with
Summarising, the yes/no detection check is done AT PRODUCTION and NOT AT
DETECTION: this in order to substantially cut down CPU time. If one wants
all photons to be produced the sensitivity must be set = 1. Then it is
still possibile to apply a quantum efficiency curve AT DETECTION, by means of
the user weighting routine FLUSCW (see (13)) or by a user-written off-line code.
12.2 Handling optical photons
In order to help the user to understand how to deal with optical photons,
in the following we describe two input files respectively concerning the
production in Liquid Argon of Cherenkov (section 12.2.3}) and Scintillation
light (section 12.2.4}). A specific user routine, giving the refraction index
of Liquid Argon as a function of wave-length is also shown (section 12.2.2}).
12.2.1 Example of SOURCE routine for optical photonsOURCE routine for optical photons|Example of SOURCE routine for optical photons|98|12| -->*$ CREATE SOURCE.FOR *COPY SOURCE * *=== source ===========================================================* * SUBROUTINE SOURCE ( NOMORE ) INCLUDE '(DBLPRC)' INCLUDE '(DIMPAR)' INCLUDE '(IOUNIT)' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Copyright (C) 1990-2009 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * * All Rights Reserved. * * * * * * New source for FLUKA9x-FLUKA20xy: * * * * Created on 07 january 1990 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * * Infn - Milan * * * * Last change on 08-feb-09 by Alfredo Ferrari * * * * This is just an example of a possible user written source routine. * * note that the beam card still has some meaning - in the scoring the * * maximum momentum used in deciding the binning is taken from the * * beam momentum. Other beam card parameters are obsolete. * * * * Output variables: * * * * Nomore = if > 0 the run will be terminated * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE '(BEAMCM)' INCLUDE '(FHEAVY)' INCLUDE '(FLKSTK)' INCLUDE '(IOIOCM)' INCLUDE '(LTCLCM)' INCLUDE '(PAPROP)' INCLUDE '(SOURCM)' INCLUDE '(SUMCOU)' INCLUDE '(OPPHST)' INCLUDE '(TRACKR)' * LOGICAL LFIRST * SAVE LFIRST DATA LFIRST / .TRUE. / *======================================================================* * * * BASIC VERSION * * * *======================================================================* NOMORE = 0 * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | First call initializations: IF ( LFIRST ) THEN * | *** The following 3 cards are mandatory *** TKESUM = ZERZER LFIRST = .FALSE. LUSSRC = .TRUE. * | *** User initialization *** END IF * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * Push one source particle to the stack. Note that you could as well * push many but this way we reserve a maximum amount of space in the * stack for the secondaries to be generated * LSTOPP is the stack counter: of course any time source is called it * must be =0 IJBEAM = -1 LSTOPP = LSTOPP + 1 * Weight of optical photon WTOPPH (LSTOPP) = ONEONE WEIPRI = WEIPRI + WTOPPH (LSTOPP) NUMOPH = NUMOPH + 1 IF ( NUMOPH .GT. 1000000000 ) THEN MUMOPH = MUMOPH + 1 NUMOPH = NUMOPH - 1000000000 END IF WOPTPH = WOPTPH + ONEONE * * Insert in POPTPH (LSTOPP) the proper energy for optical photon * POPTPH (LSTOPP) = 4.D-09 DONEAR (LSTOPP) = ZERZER * Injection coordinates of optical photon XOPTPH (LSTOPP) = XBEAM YOPTPH (LSTOPP) = YBEAM ZOPTPH (LSTOPP) = ZBEAM * Initial direction cosines of optical photon TXOPPH (LSTOPP) = UBEAM TYOPPH (LSTOPP) = VBEAM TZOPPH (LSTOPP) = WBEAM * Set-up the polarization vector TXPOPP (LSTOPP) = -TWOTWO TYPOPP (LSTOPP) = ZERZER TZPOPP (LSTOPP) = ZERZER * age AGOPPH (LSTOPP) = ZERZER * total path CMPOPP (LSTOPP) = ZERZER * Particle generation LOOPPH (LSTOPP) = 1 LOUOPP (LSTOPP) = LLOUSE DO 2100 ISPR = 1, MKBMX1 SPAROK (ISPR,LSTOPP) = ZERZER 2100 CONTINUE DO 2200 ISPR = 1, MKBMX2 ISPORK (ISPR,LSTOPP) = 0 2200 CONTINUE TKESUM = TKESUM + POPTPH (LSTOPP) * WTOPPH (LSTOPP) * CALL GEOCRS ( TXOPPH (LSTOPP), TYOPPH (LSTOPP), TZOPPH (LSTOPP) & ) CALL GEOREG ( XOPTPH (LSTOPP), YOPTPH (LSTOPP), ZOPTPH (LSTOPP) & ,NREGOP (LSTOPP), IDISC ) * Do not change these cards: CALL GEOHSM ( IHSPNT, 1, -11, MLATTC ) NLATOP (LSTOPP) = MLATTC CALL SOEVSV RETURN *=== End of subroutine Source =========================================* END 12.2.2 Routine assigning a continuous Refraction Index as a function ofWave-Length
* *=== Rfrndx ===========================================================* * DOUBLE PRECISION FUNCTION RFRNDX ( WVLNGT, OMGPHO, MMAT ) INCLUDE '(DBLPRC)' INCLUDE '(DIMPAR)' INCLUDE '(IOUNIT)' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * user defined ReFRaction iNDeX: * * * * Created on 19 September 1998 by Alfredo Ferrari & Paola Sala * * Infn - Milan * * * * Last change on 25-Oct-02 by Alfredo Ferrari * * * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE '(FLKMAT)' * * Check on the material number * IF ( MMAT .NE. 18 ) THEN CALL FLABRT ( 'RFRNDX', 'MMAT IS NOT SCINTILLATOR!' ) END IF * WL = WVLNGT * 1.D+07 RFRNDX = ONEONE & + 9.39373D+00*(4.15D-08/(0.000087892D+00 - WL**(-2)) & + 2.075D-07 / (0.000091012D+00 - WL**(-2)) & + 4.333D-06 / (0.00021402 D+00 - WL**(-2))) RETURN *=== End of function Rfrndx ===========================================* END 12.2.3 Input Example no. 1: Only Cherenkov light is generatedCherenkov light generation depends on the refraction index. Among the
different possibilities, here we have chosen to give the refraction
index by means of the user routine shown above.
TITLE Test of Cherenkov light production in Liquid Argon DEFAULTS PRECISIO *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 BEAM -10.000 MUON+ BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 190.0 NEGATIVE DELTARAY -1.0 18.0 18.0 PAIRBREM -3.0 18.0 18.0 MUPHOTON -1.0 18.0 18.0 PHOTONUC -1.0 3.0 100.0 IONTRANS -6.0 DISCARD 27.0 28.0 43.0 44.0 5.0 6.0 GEOBEGIN COMBINAT Test *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 * A large box for the blackhole RPP 1 -9999999. +9999999. -9999999. +9999999. -9999999. +9999999. * A smaller box for for liquid argon RPP 2 -200.0 +200.0 -200.0 +200.0 -200.0 +200.0 END *== Region Definitions ================================================= * 1) Blackhole BL1 +1 -2 * 2) Liquid Argon LG3 +2 END GEOEND * Switch off electron and photon transport EMF EMF-OFF * MATERIAL 18.0 39.948 1.400 18.0 ARGON * Select neutron cross sections at liquid argon temperature LOW-MAT 18.0 18.0 -2.0 87.0 ARGON * ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0 500. 1.0 0.0 ASSIGNMAT 18.0 2.0 2.0 * * Set Light production/transport properties: from 100 to 600 nm in all materials OPT-PROP 1.000E-05 3.500E-05 6.000E-05 3.0 100.0 WV-LIMIT * Set all materials to "metal" with 0 reflectivity: OPT-PROP 1.0 3.0 100.0 METAL * resets all previous properties for material n. 18 (Liquid Argon) OPT-PROP 18.0 RESET * switches off scintillation light production in material n. 18 (Liq. Argon) OPT-PROD 18.0 SCIN-OFF * defines Cherenkov production for material n. 18 (Liq. Argon) OPT-PROD 1.100E-05 5.500E-05 18.0 CEREN-WV * The following card restores the wave-length limits for material n. 18 OPT-PROP 1.000E-05 3.500E-05 6.000E-05 18.0 WV-LIMIT * The following card, for material n. 18: * a) calls the RFRNDX user routine (to define the refraction index * vs wave-length (WHAT(1)< -99) * b) sets to 1000 cm the mean free path for absorption. * c) sets to 90 cm the mean free path for Rayleigh scattering. OPT-PROP -100.0 0.001 0.01111 18.0 * The following card defines the "Sensitivity" in order to introduce the * maximum Quantum Efficiency at generation level. * Here 1/10 of photons is actually generated. * Fluctuations are properly sampled OPT-PROP 0.1 0.1 SENSITIV SCORE 208.0 211.0 201.0 210.0 RANDOMIZ 1.0 *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 USRBDX 1.0 -1.0 -55.0 2.0 1.0 Opt.Phot USRBDX 12.0E-09 0.0 120.0 & USERDUMP 111. 2. MGDRAW START 10000.0 STOP 12.2.4 Input Example no. 2: Only Scintillation light is concernedHere it is necessary to point out that, at present, FLUKA can generate
scintillation lines only for monochromatic lines. A maximum number of 3
different lines is possible. The value inserted here (128 nm) is the correct one
for Liquid Argon. The fraction of deposited energy going into scintillation light
depends on the degree of recombination after ionisation.
TITLE Test of scintillation light production in Liquid Argon DEFAULTS PRECISIO BEAM -0.5000 MUON+ BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 199.0 NEGATIVE * DELTARAY -1.0 18.0 18.0 PAIRBREM -3.0 18.0 18.0 MUPHOTON -1.0 18.0 18.0 PHOTONUC -1.0 3.0 100.0 IONTRANS -6.0 DISCARD 27.0 28.0 43.0 44.0 5.0 6.0 GEOBEGIN COMBINAT Test *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 * A large box for the blackhole RPP 1 -9999999. +9999999. -9999999. +9999999. -9999999. +9999999. * A SMALLER BOX FOR FOR LIQUID ARGON RPP 2 -200.0 +200.0 -200.0 +200.0 -200.0 +200.0 END *== Region Definitions ================================================= * 1) Blackhole BL1 +1 -2 * 2) Liquid Argon LG3 +2 END GEOEND * EMF EMF-OFF * MATERIAL 18.0 39.948 1.400 18.0 ARGON LOW-MAT 18.0 18.0 -2.0 87.0 ARGON ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0 500. 1.0 0.0 ASSIGNMAT 18.0 2.0 2.0 * * Set Light production/transport properties: from 100 to 600 nm in all materials OPT-PROP 1.000E-05 1.280E-05 6.000E-05 3.0 100.0 WV-LIMIT * Set all materials to "metal" with 0 reflectivity: OPT-PROP 1.0 3.0 100.0 METAL * resets all previous properties for material n. 18 (Liquid Argon) OPT-PROP 18.0 RESET * switches off Cherenkov light production in material n. 18 (Liquid Argon) OPT-PROD 18.0 CERE-OFF * defines Scint. light production for material n. 18 (Liq. Argon). Parameters: * a) wavelength (cm) of first scintillation line. * b) fraction of deposited energy going into scint. light * (in Liquid Argon ~ 2 10**4 photons/MeV) OPT-PROD 1.280E-05 9.686E-02 18.0 SCINT-WV * The following card restores the wave-length limits for material n. 18 OPT-PROP 1.000E-05 1.280E-05 6.000E-05 18.0 WV-LIMIT * The following card, for material n. 18: * a) calls the RFRNDX user routine (to define the refraction index * vs wave-length (WHAT(1)< -99) * b) sets to 1000 cm the mean free path for absorption. * c) sets to 90 cm the mean free path for Rayleigh scattering OPT-PROP -100.0 0.001 0.01111 18.0 * The following card defines the "Sensitivity" in order to introduce the * maximum Quantum Efficiency at generation level. Here 1/10 of photons are * actually generated. * Fluctuations are properly sampled *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8 OPT-PROP 0.1 0.1 SENSITIV SCORE 208.0 211.0 201.0 210.0 RANDOMIZ 1.0 * USRBDX 1.0 -1.0 -55.0 2.0 1.0 Opt.Phot USRBDX 12.0E-09 0.0 120.0 & USERDUMP 111. 2. MGDRAW START 10000. STOP 12.2.5 User output for optical photons from USERDUMPSERDUMP|User output for optical photons from USERDUMP|98|12| -->The user can request any kind of standard FLUKA output for optical photons
and also a user specific output, starting for instance from the MGDRAW
user routine. Here an example follows, where a few variables are
simply recorded in the output "collision tape" (dump file) at each step
in the tracking only for particle id = -1 (optical photons).
* * *=== mgdraw ===========================================================* * * SUBROUTINE MGDRAW ( ICODE, MREG ) INCLUDE '(DBLPRC)' INCLUDE '(DIMPAR)' INCLUDE '(IOUNIT)' * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * MaGnetic field trajectory DRAWing: actually this entry manages * * all trajectory dumping for * * drawing * * * * Created on 01 march 1990 by Alfredo Ferrari * * INFN - Milan * * last change 05-may-06 by Alfredo Ferrari * * INFN - Milan * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * INCLUDE '(CASLIM)' INCLUDE '(COMPUT)' INCLUDE '(SOURCM)' INCLUDE '(FHEAVY)' INCLUDE '(FLKSTK)' INCLUDE '(GENSTK)' INCLUDE '(MGDDCM)' INCLUDE '(PAPROP)' INCLUDE '(QUEMGD)' INCLUDE '(SUMCOU)' INCLUDE '(TRACKR)' * DIMENSION DTQUEN ( MXTRCK, MAXQMG ) * CHARACTER*20 FILNAM LOGICAL LFCOPE SAVE LFCOPE DATA LFCOPE / .FALSE. / * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * * Icode = 1: call from Kaskad * * Icode = 2: call from Emfsco * * Icode = 3: call from Kasneu * * Icode = 4: call from Kashea * * Icode = 5: call from Kasoph * * * *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * * IF ( .NOT. LFCOPE ) THEN LFCOPE = .TRUE. IF ( KOMPUT .EQ. 2 ) THEN FILNAM = '/'//CFDRAW(1:8)//' DUMP A' ELSE FILNAM = CFDRAW END IF WRITE(*,*) 'TRAJECTORY OPEN!' WRITE(*,'(A)') 'FILNAM = ',FILNAM OPEN ( UNIT = IODRAW, FILE = FILNAM, STATUS = 'NEW', FORM = & 'UNFORMATTED' ) END IF C C Write trajectories of optical photons C IF(JTRACK .EQ. -1) THEN WRITE (IODRAW) NTRACK, MTRACK, JTRACK, SNGL (ETRACK), & SNGL (WTRACK) WRITE (IODRAW) ( SNGL (XTRACK (I)), SNGL (YTRACK (I)), & SNGL (ZTRACK (I)), I = 0, NTRACK ), & ( SNGL (DTRACK (I)), I = 1,MTRACK ), & SNGL (CTRACK) WRITE(IODRAW) SNGL(CXTRCK),SNGL(CYTRCK),SNGL(CZTRCK) ENDIF RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * Boundary-(X)crossing DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 1x: call from Kaskad * * 19: boundary crossing * * Icode = 2x: call from Emfsco * * 29: boundary crossing * * Icode = 3x: call from Kasneu * * 39: boundary crossing * * Icode = 4x: call from Kashea * * 49: boundary crossing * * Icode = 5x: call from Kasoph * * 59: boundary crossing * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY BXDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, NEWREG, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * Event End DRAWing: * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY EEDRAW ( ICODE ) RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * ENergy deposition DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 1x: call from Kaskad * * 10: elastic interaction recoil * * 11: inelastic interaction recoil * * 12: stopping particle * * 13: pseudo-neutron deposition * * 14: escape * * 15: time kill * * Icode = 2x: call from Emfsco * * 20: local energy deposition (i.e. photoelectric) * * 21: below threshold, iarg=1 * * 22: below threshold, iarg=2 * * 23: escape * * 24: time kill * * Icode = 3x: call from Kasneu * * 30: target recoil * * 31: below threshold * * 32: escape * * 33: time kill * * Icode = 4x: call from Kashea * * 40: escape * * 41: time kill * * 42: delta ray stack overflow * * Icode = 5x: call from Kasoph * * 50: optical photon absorption * * 51: escape * * 52: time kill * * * *======================================================================* * * ENTRY ENDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, RULL, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * SOurce particle DRAWing: * * * *======================================================================* * ENTRY SODRAW * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* RETURN * *======================================================================* * * * USer dependent DRAWing: * * * * Icode = 10x: call from Kaskad * * 100: elastic interaction secondaries * * 101: inelastic interaction secondaries * * 102: particle decay secondaries * * 103: delta ray generation secondaries * * 104: pair production secondaries * * 105: bremsstrahlung secondaries * * 110: decay products * * Icode = 20x: call from Emfsco * * 208: bremsstrahlung secondaries * * 210: Moller secondaries * * 212: Bhabha secondaries * * 214: in-flight annihilation secondaries * * 215: annihilation at rest secondaries * * 217: pair production secondaries * * 219: Compton scattering secondaries * * 221: photoelectric secondaries * * 225: Rayleigh scattering secondaries * * Icode = 30x: call from Kasneu * * 300: interaction secondaries * * Icode = 40x: call from Kashea * * 400: delta ray generation secondaries * * For all interactions secondaries are put on GENSTK common (kp=1,np) * * but for KASHEA delta ray generation where only the secondary elec- * * tron is present and stacked on FLKSTK common for kp=npflka * * * *======================================================================* * ENTRY USDRAW ( ICODE, MREG, XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO ) * No output by default: RETURN *=== End of subroutine Mgdraw ==========================================* END 12.2.6 Readout of the sample user outputA sample program to readout the output obtained from the previously shown MGDRAW routine is here presented. In this example the key routine in the one called VXREAD, where some trivial output is sent to logical units 66 and 67. Of course the user must adapt such a readout program to his own needs. PROGRAM MGREAD CHARACTER FILE*80 * WRITE (*,*)' Name of the binary file?' READ (*,'(A)') FILE OPEN ( UNIT = 33, FILE = FILE, STATUS ='OLD', & FORM = 'UNFORMATTED' ) 1000 CONTINUE WRITE (*,*)' Event number?' READ (*,*) NCASE IF ( NCASE .LE. 0 ) GO TO 9999 CALL VXREAD (NCASE) GO TO 1000 9999 CONTINUE STOP END SUBROUTINE VXREAD (NCASE) PARAMETER ( MXH = 2000 ) PARAMETER ( MXPR = 300 ) DIMENSION XH (MXH), YH (MXH), ZH (MXH), DH (MXH), & EPR (MXPR), WPR (MXPR), XPR (MXPR), YPR (MXPR), & ZPR (MXPR), TXP (MXPR), TYP (MXPR), TZP (MXPR), & IPR (MXPR) * LUNSCR = 33 REWIND (LUNSCR) * * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* * | NEVT=0 DO 4000 I=1,2000000000 READ (LUNSCR,END=4100) NDUM,MDUM,JDUM,EDUM,WDUM IF(I.EQ.1) WRITE(*,*) 'NDUM,MDUM,JDUM,EDUM,WDUM',NDUM,MDUM,JDUM & ,EDUM,WDUM NEVT = NEVT + 1 * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Real tracking data: * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* IF ( NDUM .GT. 0 ) THEN NTRACK=NDUM MTRACK=MDUM JTRACK=JDUM ETRACK=EDUM WTRACK=WDUM IF(NTRACK.GT.1) WRITE(67,*) 'NTRACK = ',NTRACK READ (LUNSCR)(XH(J),YH(J),ZH(J),J=1,NTRACK+1), & (DH(J),J=1,MTRACK), CTRACK READ (LUNSCR) CXX,CYY,CZZ IF(I.EQ.1) THEN WRITE(67,*) (XH(J),YH(J),ZH(J),J=1,NTRACK+1), & (DH(J),J=1,MTRACK), CTRACK WRITE(67,*) CXX,CYY,CZZ ENDIF DO J=1,NTRACK+1 WRITE(67,*) XH(J),YH(J),ZH(J), & CXX,CYY,CZZ END DO IF ( NEVT.EQ.NCASE ) THEN WRITE(66,*)' New step:' WRITE(66,*)' Part.id.:',JTRACK,' Kin.En.:',ETRACK, & ' N.of substep:', NTRACK WRITE(66,*)' X, Y, Z, i=0, # substep' WRITE(*,*)' New step:' WRITE(*,*)' Part.id.:',JTRACK,' Kin.En.:',ETRACK, & ' N.of substep:', NTRACK WRITE(*,*)' X, Y, Z, i=0, # substep' END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Energy deposition data: ELSE IF ( NDUM .EQ. 0 ) THEN ICODE1=MDUM/10 ICODE2=MDUM-ICODE1*10 IJDEPO=JDUM ENPART=EDUM WDEPOS=WDUM READ (LUNSCR) XSCO, YSCO, ZSCO, ENDEPO IF ( NEVT.EQ.NCASE ) THEN WRITE(66,*) ' En. dep. code n.:',MDUM WRITE(66,*) IJDEPO,' Tot. en. proj.:', ENPART, & ' Weight:',WDEPOS WRITE(66,*) ' Position:',XSCO,YSCO,ZSCO, & ' En. Dep.:',ENDEPO END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* * | | Source particle: ELSE NEVT =-NDUM LPRIMA = MDUM NSTMAX = JDUM TKESUM = EDUM WEIPRI = WDUM READ (LUNSCR) ( IPR(J),EPR(J),WPR(J),XPR(J),YPR(J), & ZPR(J),TXP(J),TYP(J),TZP(J),J=1,LPRIMA ) DO J = 1, LPRIMA IF ( ABS(IPR(J)) .LT. 10000 ) THEN LPTRUE=J END IF END DO LPROJ = LPRIMA - LPTRUE LPRIMA = LPTRUE IF (NEVT .EQ. NCASE) THEN WRITE(66,*)' Event #',NEVT IF ( LPROJ .GT. 0) THEN WRITE(66,*) & ' Original projectile(s),n. of:',LPROJ DO IJ = 1, LPROJ J=LPRIMA+IJ IPR(J) = IPR(J)/10000 WRITE(66,*) ' Part.id.:',IPR(J),' Kin.en.:', & EPR(J),' Weight:',WPR(J) WRITE(66,*) IPR(J),EPR(J),WPR(J) WRITE(66,*) ' Position :', XPR(J),YPR(J),ZPR(J) WRITE(66,*) ' Direction:', TXP(J),TYP(J),TZP(J) END DO END IF WRITE(66,*)' Source particle(s), n. of:',LPRIMA DO J = 1, LPRIMA WRITE(66,*) ' Part.id.:',IPR(J),' Kin.en.:', & EPR(J),' Weight:',WPR(J) WRITE(66,*) ' Position :', XPR(J),YPR(J),ZPR(J) WRITE(66,*) ' Direction:', TXP(J),TYP(J),TZP(J) C WRITE(67,*) XPR(J)/1.E+05,YPR(J)/1.E+05,ZPR(J)/1.E+05 END DO END IF IF (NEVT.GT.NCASE) GO TO 4100 END IF * | | * | +----------------------------------------------------------------* 4000 CONTINUE * | * +-------------------------------------------------------------------* 4100 CONTINUE RETURN END |
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