Last version:
FLUKA 2023.3.4, April 10th 2024
(last respin 2023.3.4)
flair-2.3-0d 13-Sep-2023


-- Fluka Release
( 10.04.2024 )

FLUKA 2023.3.4 has been released.

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WWW Technical Update ( 25.09.2008 )

The new website in fully online!

WWW Technical Update ( 19.06.2008 )

Website goes to testing version. You're very welcome to test it's functionality. During first weeks some things may vary. When something does not work please report it to:

WWW Technical Update ( 09.06.2008 )

Whole site will change soon to new style! Some technical aspects will be done.

WWW Technical Update ( 20.05.2008 )

The first phase of tests has been done. Lot of things should be changed/fixed. Considering to rebuild whole structure (again).

WWW Technical Update ( 19.03.2008 )

The register and downloading engine is now up and working!

WWW Technical Update ( 26.02.2008 )

The website has been tested for several browsers: Firefox (1, 2), Epiphany, Galeon, Konqueror, IE 7, Opera 9, Mozilla, Netscape 9. Safari 3 beta version for windows has complained a lot about drop down menu - fixed. Rest browsers had few cosmetic problems with font size - fixed. Users of IE 5 and 6 are encouraged to use new versions of IE or open software.

WWW Technical Update ( 01.02.2008 )

You can now reply me any comments, send file (not too big... ~2MB) and submit questionaire without having your MS Outlook (etc.) configured.
Please go and write me some comments directly from website! It will took you only few seconds!

WWW Technical Update ( 02.01.2008 )

After a lot of time spent on refreshing old website content the decision has been taken to power up website by PHP.


WWW Technical Update ( 01.11.2007 )

Now website will use a lot of modern standards like Strict XHTML powered by cascaded style sheet CSS to provide less complexity more flexability.

WWW Technical Update ( 01.10.2007 )

Temporary proposal site will be avaible here:
The goal for the site are to make this site easier to update (no maintainer HTML knowledge required) and less complex.


WWW Technical Update ( 16.02.2005 )

major work-over of the FLUKA website after 4 years of operation. this site now can be viewed with two different looks/skins - support for Netscape4 is still available.


WWW Technical Update ( 27.12.2004 )

We implemented a new registration/download procedure. this change should be transparent to the users. the new procedure guarantees secure transport of user information across the internet and is able to be used for a concurrent set of mirror servers.
At the same time a first FLUKA mirror website was installed and brought online. this mirror is located at the University of Houston, Houston Texas:


WWW Technical Update ( 29.05.2002 )

several features were added to the FLUKA website during the last few weeks. it now features a 'digest' of the questions/answers faq submitted to the mailing list next to a project internal area intrernals for communication within the development team. the download procedure was updated to include a more formal registration, which is still under testing. Also, a first detailed EXAMPLE on how to prepare and run FLUKA is available now.

WWW Technical Update ( 07.05.2002 )

we now have a new and more adequate name for our web presence: the FLUKA mailing list is in the process of being moved to the official FLUKA server.

WWW Technical Update ( 11.03.2002 )

the FLUKA website was migrated to Milano and it's official INFN web-server. further adjustments are expected.


WWW Technical Update ( 10.12.2000 )

the site now offers a web-a-fied online version of the latest FLUKA manual (it dates back to 21 June 2000) which ships with the FLUKA package as fluka99.manual. some of the sections were simply put through verbatim, so there's another spot for improvement. the references within the document do NOT work yet.

WWW Technical Update ( 29.11.2000 )

the pages are now official and online since about 4pm. please direct any suggestions and/or questions to the maintainer.

WWW Technical Update ( 23.11.2000 )

a Fluka mailing list is now operational and ready for discussion. to subscribe please send email to and place the single line subscribe fluka-discuss as the body of your mail.

WWW Technical Update ( 19.11.2000 )

implemented the initial structure for the FLUKA web presence. the still mostly empty pages were extensively tested for Netscape versions 4.75 and 6.0 under Linux. further checks are needed for other Unix platforms, Microsoft Explorer and whatever runs on MacOS.

Last updated: 10th of April, 2024

© FLUKA Team 2000–2024

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