Last version:
, January 27th 2025 (last respin 2024.1.3) 06-May-2024
Fluka Release
FLUKA 2024.1.3 has been
New FLUKA reference, please read and cite it:
F. Ballarini et al.,
The FLUKA code: Overview and new developments,
EPJ Nuclear Sci. Technol. 10, 16 (2024)
==== Release notes for Fluka2024.1 , ====
==== the 4th generation of the FLUKA ====
==== MC code, authored by A.Fassò, ====
==== A.Ferrari, J.Ranft, and P.R.Sala ====
his is a major release with several important physics and technical
improvements and additions.
New features are shortly listed below, and described in more detail in
the following of these release notes, and in the manual.
- Pointwise Thermal Scattering Laws (TSL) for thermal neutrons implemented,
including inelastic scattering (S(alpha,beta)), incoherent elastic,
and coherent elastic;
- Libraries for TSL for a few elements/temperatures/compounds available
in the pointwise library;
- Coherent (Rayleigh) photon scattering: now performed accounting
also for the real, f_1, and imaginary, f_2, anomalous form factors,
in coherence with how the EPICS cross sections are calculated;
- X-ray complex refraction indeces implemented. X-ray reflection from
thick mirrors implemented using the complex refraction indeces;
- Photonuclear interactions: further improvements in models above ~100
- Hadronisation model: fully reworked in order to better account for
experimental data which somewhat contradict widely accepted assumptions
about string hadronization;
- GDR cross sections updated and revised for 238U;
- Built-in source routines for neutron spectra from D-D and D-T thick
target sources (see the BEAM card);
- Updated galactic cosmic ray spectra: now based on AMS02 data,
they can be activated by new option in SPECSOUR : sdum = GCR-AMS;
- Built-in source routines for neutron spectra from Am-Be, Am-B, 252-Cf
sources (see the BEAM card);
- Nuclear levels decaying only by Internal Conversion are now treated
as stable for in-flight decay. They decay when the ion comes at rest;
- Interface CORSIKA7/8: further expanded and improved;
- Further Source code reorganization.
At the same time a few rare bugs have been fixed, and an issue with a too
small array dimension found by our GSI colleagues fixed as well.
Pointwise, fully continuous, thermal neutron scattering kernels are
now implemented for several isotopes in specific compounds at specific
temperatures. FLUKA supports fully continuous energy-angle inelastic
scattering (S(alpha,beta)), fully continuous angle incoherent elastic,
and Bragg like coherent elastic. The databases (available as usual in
the pwxs/ folder) have been processed out of Endf/b-8r0 using Acemaker
or Njoy2016 to produce ACE format files, which are then offline
postprocessed into a FLUKA specific format. Several isotope/material
/temperatures are already available (look for *-tsl-* files inside
pwxs/) others will come. Argon at 87K is also available from a special
evaluation. The new pointwise TSL treatment can be activate by using
the TSL-PWXS card (see the manual for details);
- The real, f_1, and imaginary, f_2, anomalous form factors are now
used as provided by EPICS2017;
- they are used in photon coherent (Rayleigh) scattering, so that now
the scattering angular distribution is fully coherent with the
integrated cross section as obtained by EPICS2017. The change is
significant in some energy ranges;
- f_1 and f_2 are also used in order to compute the complex
refraction indeces of X-rays.
- TThe X-ray complex refraction indeces are used in order to compute
reflection probabilities for X-rays on thick mirrors, as a function of
the incidence angle. X-ray reflection can be activated using the
MAT-PROP card with sdum=X-REFLEC (see the manual for further details);
- Photo-nuclear interactions in the resonance region (0.1-1 GeV) have
been further improved, particularly concerning 2-nucleon and 3-nucleon
absorption channels;
- GDR photonuclear cross sections have been updated for 238U;
- Built-in source routines for neutron spectra from D-D and D-T thick
target sources are now available, besides those for Am-Be, Am-B, 252-Cf
(see the BEAM card);
- Nuclear transition decaying only by Internal Conversion decays (IC)
are not longer stepped multiple times while in flight according to
their mean life only to discover that they cannot decay for lack of
atomic electrons. Now they are treated as stable until the ion comes
to rest and electrons are available for the IC decay;
- The source code has been deeply reorganised and streamlined.
is no longer used by any of the interaction routines;
The usrsuwev.f off-line inventory evolution file is not yet updated to
deal with the new isomer calulation capabilities of FLUKA, hence off-line
inventory evolution concerning isomers should be avoided. A version
properly accounting for the FLUKA isomers prediction capabilities will
come with one of the next releases
- Whenever residual nuclei (and residual dose rates) scoring is of
importance, or accurate neutron yields are required, the heavy residual
emission ("fragmentation") and the coalescence emission of fast complex
particles should be switched on, through the following data cards:
and (as a consequence of coalescence) it would be wise to link with
rQMD-2.4 (and DPMJET) and activate ion transport and interactions,
and circumvent the lack of deuteron interactions at low energy with
PHYSICS 1.0 0.005 0.15 2.0 2.0 2.0IONSPLIT
These suggestions are mandatory for residual nuclei calculations.
Old residual nuclei output files
The auxiliary programs (usrsuw and usrsuwev in
$FLUPRO/flutil) that sum and process the residual nuclei output files
depend on the nuclear database. Users who still need to process files
produced with previous fluka versions should contact the fluka
developers. Users who already produced xxx_tab.lis and xxx_sum.lis
files are not concerned.
- The ARB, BOX, WED body types, which are deprecated since many years due to
their precision problem prone coding, are now accepted only if the user
explicitly sets SDUM=DEPRBODY in the GLOBAL card.
The use of so-called "expressions" inside the Flair preprocessor, those
writing pseudo-comments in the input file like
!@what.1=-1.5e-2is deprecated. In order to still use those kind of
expressions, the user has to explicitly set SDUM=OLDFLAIR in the
GLOBAL card.
The use of the FLUKA code must be acknowledged explicitly by quoting
at least the following set of references
- F. Ballarini, G. Battistoni, N. Belcari, G. Bisogni, M. Campanella,
M.P. Carante, G. Dedes, P. Degtiarenko, P. de la Torre Luque,
R. dos Santos Augusto, A. Fasso`, A. Fedynitch, Alfredo Ferrari,
Anna Ferrari, E. Fiorina, G. Kharashvili, A. Kraan, G. Magro,
A. Mairani, I. Mattei, M.N. Mazziotta, M.C. Morone, S. Mueller,
S. Muraro, K. Parodi, V. Patera, F. Pennazio, L.S. Pinsky,
R. Rachamin, R. Luis Ramos, S. Rollet, P.R. Sala, M.S. Leitner,
L. Sarchiapone, T. Tessonnier, K. Smeland Ytre-Hauge, L. Zana,
"FLUKA: status and perspectives", Proceedings of the "15th Workshop
on Shielding Aspects of Accelerators, Targets, and Irradiation
Facilities" (SATIF-15), East Lansing, Michigan, USA, September
20-23, 2022, in press
A. Ferrari, P.R. Sala, A. Fasso`, and J. Ranft,
"FLUKA: a multi-particle transport code",
CERN 2005-10 (2005), INFN/TC_05/11, SLAC-R-773
Use of Flair must be acknowledged using the following reference:
- V. Vlachoudis,
Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematics, Computational
Methods & Reactor Physics (M&C 2009),
Saratoga Springs, New York, 2009
Additional FLUKA references can be added, provided they are relevant for this FLUKA version.
The use of the neutrino event generator (NUNDIS) must be
acknowledged by quoting
G. Battistoni, A. Ferrari, M. Lantz, P. R. Sala and G. I. Smirnov,
"A neutrino-nucleon interaction generator for the FLUKA Monte Carlo code",
Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction
Varenna, Italy, 15-19 June 2009,
CERN-Proceedings-2010-001 pp.387-394.
For medical applcations of FLUKA:
G. Battistoni, J. Bauer, T.T. Boehlen, F. Cerutti,
M.P.W. Chin, R. Dos Santos Augusto, A. Ferrari, P.G. Ortega,
W. Kozlowska, G. Magro, A. Mairani, K. Parodi, P.R. Sala, P. Schoofs,
T. Tessonnier, V. Vlachoudis,
"The FLUKA code: An accurate simulation tool for particle therapy",
Frontiers in Oncology, Radiation Oncology Section, 00116
If FLUKA is used together with rQMD-2.4 or DPMJET-3 the following references should be quoted:
- H. Sorge, H. Stoecker, and W. Greiner, Annals of Physics 192, 266 (1989)
V. Andersen. F. Ballarini, G. Battistoni, M. Campanella, M. Carboni,
F. Cerutti, A. Empl, A. Fasso`, A. Ferrari, E. Gadioli, M.V. Garzelli,
K. Lee, A. Ottolenghi, M. Pelliccioni, L.S. Pinsky, J. Ranft, S. Roesler,
P.R. Sala, and T.L. Wilson,
"The FLUKA code for space applications: recent developments",
Advances in Space Research, 34(6), 1302-1310 (2004).
S.Roesler, R.Engel, J.Ranft: "The Monte Carlo Event Generator DPMJET-III"
in Proceedings of the Monte Carlo 2000 Conference, Lisbon, October 23-26
2000, A. Kling, F. Barao, M. Nakagawa, L. Tavora, P. Vaz eds.,
Springer-Verlag Berlin, 1033-1038 (2001).
- A. Fedynitch, PhD Thesis,
Starting with Fluka2021.2.9 the low energy neutron cross sections for a few extra
isotopes are available in both the groupwise and pointwise neutron libraries, specifically,
226Ra, 227Ac, 231Pa, 233Pa, 237Np, 239Np.
Please refer to the manual for further informations
about how to access those cross sections data sets
Starting with fluka2021.2.7, the description of hadron-nucleon
intranuclear cascade reinteractions in Dpmjet3x (see below) can now
optionally be performed with the Fluka hadron-nucleon interaction models,
rather than the old hadrin model contained in Dpmjet3x.
This is not yet the default (it will soon become the default): in order
to activate this important feature, please include a DPMJET card with
WHAT(6)=1 or 10 or 11
1 = nonelastic hadron-nucleon reinteractions managed by Fluka routines
10 = elastic hadron-nucleon reinteractions managed by Fluka routines
11 = both elastic and nonelastic hadron-nucleon reinteractions managed
by Fluka routines (recommended)
Also starting with fluka2021.2.7 a new version of Dpmjet3, Dpmjet3.19.3,
is available (only for the gfortran based releases). This new release
(thanks to A.Fedynitch) introduces several improvements, streamlines
the interface with Fluka making its maintenance much easier, and it
greatly improves the issues with Kaon production in AA collisions below
10-20 GeV/n.
The possibility of using Fluka hadron-nucleon interaction models for
reinteractions (described in the first point) applies both to the
"old" Dpmjet3.17 and the "new" Dpmjet3.19.3.
In order to link the new Dpmjet version, please use the script
flutil/ldpmqmdnw instead of flutil/ldpmqmd, and use the resulting
executable which is called by default flukadpmnw.
For the time being both the "old" and "new" Dpmjet versions are available
(gfortran releases), in the future only the new one will be distributed.
Release notes for Fluka2021.2 -
This is a major release with several important physics and technical
improvements and additions..
New features are shortly listed below, and described in more detail in
the following of these release notes, and in the manual.
Some of the features require modifications of the users routines
please read carefully if you have any.
If you are using the tar files rather than the rpm's, please
note that you have to download two files since now all data
libraries, which are common to all compilers/architectures are now
provided in a separate file (see below and the README file)
Pointwise transport of low energy neutrons with correlated
interactions is now available. A separate data file has to be
downloaded (see README)
Runge-Kutta based transport in electric fields is implemented for
vacuum and gas regions
Optional Runge-Kutta based transport in magnetic field in vacuum
and gas regions
New physics model for coherent elastic scattering of hadrons on nuclei
New treatment for quasi-elastic scattering of hadrons on nuclei
Transport and in-flight decay of excited residual nuclei
Improved nuclear mass/decay/deexcitation database
Revised hadron-nucleus interaction cross sections
Revised cross sections for proton - light ion interactions
Non monochromatic scintillation light emission and transport
Delta resonance decay in photon+nucleon
magfld.f has one more argument: time
source.f variables related to in-flight transport have to be
mgdraw.f entry USDRAW: pay attention to quasielastic, flags
available (see below)
mgdraw.f entry USDRAW: new interaction code for ion splitting events
new routines for non-monochromatic scintillation light (see manual)
Please always refer to the updated templates in the usermvax
Pointwise transport of low energy neutrons. This brand new feature,
a major improvement in FLUKA capabilities, includes both the
"continuous" transport of neutrons, and the generation of
interaction products with a mixed data and model driven treatment
fully conserving energy event-by-event. Pointwise transport is
available as an option, the group-wise transport is still the
default. Hybrid simulations are also possible.
Pointwise cross sections are activated through a new card:
Details are available in the manual.
When neutron pointwise transport is activated, it is also possible
to set-up estimators with equidistant (linear or logarithmic) energy
intervals, without the usual groupwise structure. See the
description of the relevant scoring card in the manual.
IMPORTANT WARNING: to save space and bandwidth, all data libraries for
nuclear data, photon data, and neutron and pointwise cross sections
are NOT included in the fluka tar files. They have to be downloaded
separately, and placed in the same $FLUPRO directory as the rest of
the distribution. A consistency check between Fluka version
and data file version is automatically performed.
Transport in electric field is implemented in vacuum and gas. A new
activates it in selected regions, as flagged through the ASSIGNMAT
card. A new user routine,
is available for providing
non-uniform fields. Time-varying fields can also be implemented
through this user routine. Combined electric and magnetic fields are
supported. Transport is performed according to a Runge-Kutta
treatment. In case of transport in gas, single scattering is
automatically activated. See the manual for details.
Transport in non uniform magnetic fields through the same
Runge-Kutta algorithm is available as an option for vacuum and gas
regions (it is used by default if an electric field is also present)
by using
The Runge-Kutta algorithm
is signficantly more accurate than the traditional one for the same
CPU time, or it is faster for the same accuracy. See the manual for
New algorithm for coherent elastic scattering of hadrons on
nuclei. A general model from combining black disk scattering
and grayness has been derived for FLUKA. Parameters of the model
for p and n up to 200 MeV have been fitted to distributions available
in ENDF/B-8R0 and JENDL40-HE. Experimental data have been used to
set the model parameters above 1 GeV. Scaling and interpolation of
parameters are used for combinations where no data is available.
The new algorithm is applied to protons and neutrons up to 200 MeV, and to
all hadrons from 1 GeV upwards. Only for 4He, 12C, 16O, 208Pb the
model is applied for protons and neutron scattering over the whole
energy range.
Quasi elastic interactions (above few GeV): quasi-elastic are
interactions where the projectile scatters elastically on one of the
target nucleons. Traditionally, those interactions are considered as
nonelastic one at low energies. As energy increases, they are less
and less experimentally distinguishable from coherent elastic
scattering. In FLUKA, high energy quasielastic was included up to
now in the elastic scattering treatment, without production of
secondaries. Since Fluka2021, quasielastic has its own treatment,
including production of secondary particles from nuclear de-excitation.
For users implementing their own scoring of interactions: please be
aware of this difference with respect to the past. Quasielastic are
now flagged in USDRAW with the same code as inelastic (101). They
carry as .true. the flag LELEVT in (EVTFLG) and the flag
In-flight decay of excited residual nuclei. Excited nuclei with
measurable/known mean life will not de-excite during the nuclear
interaction which produced the excited state, but rather will fly
until decay according to the level mean life. This has consequences
for instance at very high energies, with nuclei potentially decaying
far from the production point, and for Doppler broadening of gamma
lines. In-flight decay can be activated/deactivated with the
It is on by default with the PRECISIO and
HADROTHE defaults.
The nuclear properties database has been upgraded, in particular
with the update of nuclear masses to the newest compilation,
AME 2020.
A full revision of hadron-nucleus cross sections, in particular for
nucleons and pions in the 1-20 geV energy range, has been carried
Cross sections for interactions of very light ions, mass 3 and 4 on
hydrogen (and for the inverse kinematic reaction) have been greatly
The possibility to genarate and transport optical photon from
non-monochromatic scintillation lines is now available. New user
routines have to be edited to provide spectrum and intensity of
scintillation lines: sphspc.f and usfsci.f.
They can be activated
through the OPT-PROD card (see manual for details)
Decay of the Delta(1232) resonance in photon+nucleon is now
simulated. The branching ratio (small) depends on the actual Delta mass.
Last updated: 5th of May, 2024