FLUKA: Question

To fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch
From foucher <yann.foucher@psi.ch>
Date Wed, 02 May 2001 15:28:36 +0200
Reply-To foucher <yann.foucher@psi.ch>
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

Dear FLUKA users,

I am trying to calculate the thermal neutron flux in different cells.
For this purpose, I am using
the USRTRACK card.
My problem is that when I compare my results to others coming from
different codes, the discrepancy is very important: 30 %.
The materials where I wanted to have the thermal neutron flux is "Heavy
Water", and water. The mistake is
probably due to a bad definition of these elements in my input file.
Is there anyone who has ever defined these materials ?
If yes, could you give me the good input cards for the definition of
thess materials and the peg files for these materials ?
Thanks in advance.

Paul Scherrer Institut

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