To fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch
From Lev Chekhtman <Lev.Chekhtman@cern.ch>
Date Wed, 13 Jun 2001 16:56:11 +0200 (CEST)
Reply-To Lev Chekhtman <Lev.Chekhtman@cern.ch>
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

Hello, I am trying to build geometry using LATTICE card and found that the
description in the manual is not quite clear. 
As far as I understand the basic unit has to be described together with
the lattice of void regions in the same real system of coordinates. 
The transformation of real coordinates to the ones of basic unit is done
by LATTIC subroutine. What is meant by the symmetric coordinates in the
basic unit, coordinates relative to some zero point in it? or real
coordinates inside the basic unit as they are introduced in the
description of geometry? In the LATTIC subroutine what is exactly the
difference between the transformation I have to specify in LATNOR entry
and the transformation I specify by the relationship between UB and WB?
If I have all coordinate systems parallel (no rotations), do I  have to
write smthing in LATNOR? 
Can such geometry be viewed using PLOTGEOM card? 
Can you give me any example of using LATTICE card?  
Regards, Lev Shekhtman. 

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