FLUKA: space in blank common

To fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch
From tap4@casino.PHYS.CWRU.Edu
Date Thu, 21 Feb 2002 17:20:03 -0500
Cc agm7@po.cwru.edu, tap4@casino.PHYS.CWRU.Edu
Reply-To tap4@casino.PHYS.CWRU.Edu
Sender owner-fluka-discuss@listbox.cern.ch

        I am having trouble using more than one EVENTBIN.
The .out file ends with the following when more than one EVENTBIN
is used.
 ******* Stopped in usrbin: insufficient space for allocation in blank common 

 *******  9808670 I*4 memory position available when 21583003 needed *******

Here are the set of EVENTBIN cards that we would like to use.

EVENTBIN   -10.0      208.0     24.0      3582.0    1194.0    -1999.0 wallgrid
EVENTBIN   -3582.0   694.0     -3127.0   716.0      50.0      113.0     &
EVENTBIN   -10.0      208.0     25.0     -3582.0    1194.0    -1999.0 wallgrid
EVENTBIN   -4082.0   -1194.0   -3127.0    50.0      239.0      113.0    &
EVENTBIN   -10.0      208.0     26.0     4082.0     1194.0    -1999.0 wallgrid
EVENTBIN   3582.0    -1194.0   -3127.0   50.0       239.0      113.0    &
EVENTBIN   -10.0      208.0     27.0     3582.0     -694.0    -1999.0 wallgrid
EVENTBIN   -3582.0   -1194.0   -3127.0   716.0      50.0      113.0    &

Any help would be appreciated.

Thushara Perera, Aaron Manalaysay

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