record secondary part. properties

From: Jean-Eric Campagne (
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 11:07:43 CEST

  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "torus"

    Hi everybody

    I am a FLUKA novice and I would like to do the following things:
    1) define a Beryllium target Dx:160mm, Dy=2mm,Dz=800mm
    2) shoot proton of 400GeV/c in it
    3) catch only particles going out this target and store the following
            a) event number
            b) PDG Code of the particle
            c) x,y,z at the exit of the target
            d) px,py,pz,Energy at the exit of the target
            e) x_p,y_p,z_p of the production vertex
            f) px_p,py_p,pz_p,E_p at the production vertex
            g) weigth of the particle
    4) store the informations in some ways (ASCII file may be sufficient).

    Along this program I have partially succeeded, and for instance I do not
    manage to get the variables defined at production vertex for only the
    particle exiting the target.

    Below I give you my modified fluscw.f and the cible.inp data cards. May be
    someone can spend some times to help me...


    --------------------------------------- FLUSCW.F ---------------------------
          double precision FUNCTION FLUSCW(IJ,PLA,TXX,TYY,TZZ,WEE,XX,YY,ZZ,

    c Write in unit 25 the particles exiting the target.
    c Unit 25 will be the input file of the collector (horn)
    c simulation

          include '(IOUNIT)'
          include '(DBLPRC)'
          include '(DIMPAR)'
          include '(TRACKR)'

          double precision uPx, uPy, uPz

          integer EvtCount
          save EvtCount
          data EvtCount /0/

          SAVE LFIRST
          DATA LFIRST /.true./
    * return message from first call
             OPEN(UNIT=25, FILE='input.dat',STATUS='NEW')
             write(LUNOUT,*)'FLUSCW called'
             LFIRST = .false.

         + then
    c A proton enters in the target: new event.
             EvtCount = EvtCount +1

          if(IOLREG.eq.3.0.and.NREG.eq.2.0) then

    c compute momentum in the 3 dirs
             uPx = Ptrack*TXX
             uPy = Ptrack*TYY
             uPz = Ptrack*TZZ

             write(25,200)EvtCount,IJ, XX, YY, ZZ, uPx, uPy,
         + uPz,Etrack,WEE

     200 format(I8,I3,F10.5,F10.5,F10.5,E14.6,E14.6,E14.6,F8.1,
         + F8.1,E12.4)

          FLUSCW = 1.0

    ---------------------------------------- CIBLE.INP ----------------------
      Proton beam interaction in a beryllium target
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    BEAM -400.0 PROTON
    BEAMPOS 0.0 0.0 -10.0
      SPH 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 150.0
      SPH 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 140.0
      RPP 3 -8.0 8.0 -0.1 0.1 0.0 80.0
    * black hole
        1 5 1 -2
    * vacuum
        2 5 2 -3
    * target
        3 5 3
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    *MATERIAL 80.0 200.59 13.5460 16.0 MERCURY
    * External Black Hole
    ASSIGNMAT 1.0 1.0
    * Vacuum
    ASSIGNMAT 2.0 2.0
    * target (Standard Beryllium)
    ASSIGNMAT 5.0 3.0
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    EMFCUT -0.0002 -0.0002 1.0 3.0
    STEPSIZE 0.0005 0.01 1.0 3.0
    ****SCORE 208.0 211.0
    OUTLEVEL 1.0 7.0
    * **** Scoring ****
    EXTRAWEI 1.0
    *RESNUCLEI 3.0 33.0 3.0 1.0 Dummy
    *23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789
    USRBDX 1.0 201.0 48.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 target
    USRBDX 10000. 0.01 1.0 1. &
    RANDOMIZE 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.
    START 200000.0 99999999. 0.0 0.0

    .LAL - IN2P3 - CNRS
    .LAL - B.P 34 - 91898 Orsay Cedex - France
    .Piece 108
    .Tel +33 (0)1 64 46 84 29
    .Fax +33 (0)1 64 46 83 97

    .LAL - IN2P3 - CNRS
    .LAL - B.P 34 - 91898 Orsay Cedex - France
    .Piece 108
    .Tel +33 (0)1 64 46 84 29
    .Fax +33 (0)1 64 46 83 97

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