Geometry Issue

From: Holbourn, MP \(Martin\) (
Date: Tue Nov 21 2006 - 11:55:53 CET

  • Next message: Chris Theis: "RE: Geometry Issue"

    When using SimpleGeo 2.0 an input file I get the following messsage in the log as the geoamtry loads

    ATTENTION: Number of material assignments and regions do NOT match.
    ATTENTION: Did you explicitly assin a material to every region or do you have more assignments than regions?
    Number of assignments: 3728024, number of processed regions 19.

    Then when I click on the automatic update I get a huge number of warnings in the log as follows;

       attempt to us an edge two times in the same sense - creating a duplicate edge (CreateUnconnectedWing)

    I cannot find anything wrong in my Assignments in the i/p file and using the debug facility in SImpleGeo doesn't find any errors.
    Does anybody have any suggestions.?

    I have cut below my i/p as in the past sending the file as an attachment seems to cause problems

        0 -10
    * Two concentric infinite cylinders make up the beam pipe.
    * Both centered on axis with differing radii to give wall of 7mm.
    * Truncated by planes at -100cm and +100cm!
      YZP 1 -100.0
      YZP 2 100.0
      XCC 3 0.0 0.0 5.0
      XCC 4 0.0 0.0 5.7
    * 7 plane surfaces for 6 layers of shield
    * 30-cm-thick concrete each, starting at X=600 cm in this case
      YZP 5 600.0
      YZP 6 630.0
      YZP 7 660.0
      YZP 8 690.0
      YZP 9 720.0
      YZP 10 750.0
      YZP 11 780.0
    * Cylinder to make hole in shield wall
    * Cylinder parallell to X axis 10 cm radius (Y=0, Z=150)
      XCC 12 0.0 150.0 10.0
    * Vacuum box
      RPP 13 -800.0 2800.0 -800.0
                               800.0 -800.0 800.0
    * 6 planes to define copper mirror
    * 100 cm long, 5 cm thick and 20 cm wide
      YZP 14 350.0
      YZP 15 450.0
      XZP 16 -10.0
      XZP 17 10.0
    * PLA 18 Hx(-sin5d) Hy Hz(cos5d)
    * Vx Vy Vz(-5/cos(5d))
      PLA 18 -0.08715574274 0.0 0.99619469809
                               400.0 0.0 -5.019099187
      PLA 19 -0.08715574274 0.0 0.99619469809
                               400.0 0.0 0.0
    * Roof 150 cm thick
      XYP 20 250.0
      XYP 21 400.0
    * Floor 100 cm thick
      XYP 22 -150.0
      XYP 23 -250.0
    * External void
      RPP 24 -999999.9 999999.9 -999999.9
                            999999.9 -999999.9 999999.9
    * black hole
      BH1 +24 -13
    * Cu target beampipe wall
      CU2 -1 +2 -3 +4
    * 30 cm layers of concrete shield (first to 6th layer)
      C03 -5 +6 -12 +20 -22 +13
      C04 -6 +7 -12 +20 -22 +13
      C05 -7 +8 -12 +20 -22 +13
      C06 -8 +9 -12 +20 -22 +13
      C07 -9 +10 -12 +20 -22 +13
      C08 -10 +11 -12 +20 -22 +13
    * General Vacuum regions
      V09 +1 +13 +20 -22
      V10 -11 +13 +21 -22
      V11 -5 +11 +12
      V12 -1 +2 -4 +13 +20 -22
      V13 -1 +2 +3
      V14 -21 +13
      V15 +23 +13
    * Vacuum regions around target
      V16 OR -2 +5 -17 +13 +20 -22OR -2 +5 +16
                  +13 +20 -22OR -2 +14 +17 -16 +20 -22
              OR -15 +5 +17 -16 +20 -22OR -14 +15 -19
                  +20 +17 -16OR -14 +15 -16 +17 +18 -22
    * Cu mirror
      M17 -14 +15 -16 +17 -18 +19
    * Roof
      C18 -20 +21 +11
    * Floor
      C19 -23 +22
    * the following 3 lines are for geometry debugging only
    *GEOEND 600.0 800.0 150.0 100.0 -800.0 -150.0DEBUG
    *GEOEND 200.0 400.0 300.0 &
    MATERIAL 1. 1.0079 0.000089 3. 0.0 1. HYDROGEN
    MATERIAL 6. 12.011 2.265 6. 0.0 0. CARBON
    MATERIAL 8. 15.9994 0.001429 8. 0.0 0. OXYGEN
    MATERIAL 12. 24.305 1.738 9. 0.0 0. MAGNESIU
    MATERIAL 13. 26.982 2.6989 10. 0.0 0. ALUMINUM
    MATERIAL 26. 55.847 7.87 11. 0.0 0. IRON
    MATERIAL 29. 63.546 8.96 12. 0.0 0. COPPER
    MATERIAL 18. 39.948 1.662E-3 21. 0.0 0. ARGON
    MATERIAL 14. 28.0855 2.33 26. 0.0 0. SILICON
    MATERIAL 20. 40.078 1.55 27. 0.0 0. CALCIUM
    MATERIAL 5. 10.811 2.37 28. 0.0 0. BORON
    MATERIAL 11. 22.989768 0.971 29. 0.0 0. SODIUM
    MATERIAL 19. 39.0983 0.862 30. 0.0 0. POTASSIU
    MATERIAL 22. 47.867 4.54 31. 0.0 0. TITANIUM
    MATERIAL 23. 50.9415 6.11 32. 0.0 0. VANADIUM
    MATERIAL 24. 51.9961 7.18 33. 0.0 0. CHROMIUM
    MATERIAL 25. 54.93805 7.44 34. 0.0 0. MANGANES
    MATERIAL 27. 58.93320 8.90 35. 0.0 0. COBALT
    MATERIAL 28. 58.6934 8.902 36. 0.0 0. NICKEL
    MATERIAL 40. 91.224 6.506 37. 0.0 0. ZIRCONIU
    MATERIAL 56. 137.327 3.5 38. 0.0 0. BARIUM
    MATERIAL 74.0 184.0 17.0 39. HEAVMET
    * H C O Na Mg Al Si K Ca Fe
    MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 2.35 40. 0.0 0. CONCRETE
    COMPOUND -0.01 3. -0.001 6. -0.529107 8. CONCRETE
    COMPOUND -0.016 29. -0.002 9. -0.033872 10. CONCRETE
    COMPOUND -0.337021 26. -0.013 30. -0.044 27. CONCRETE
    COMPOUND -0.014 11. CONCRETE
    * C N O Ar
    MATERIAL 0.0 0.0 0.001205 41. 0.0 0. AIR
    COMPOUND -0.000124 6. -0.755267 7. -0.231781 8. AIR
    COMPOUND -0.012827 21. AIR
    LOW-MAT 39 74.0 -2.0 293.0 TUNGSTEN
    * *
    ASSIGNMAT 1. 1. !Blackhole
    ASSIGNMAT 2. 9. 16. 1. !Vacuum
    ASSIGNMAT 40. 3. 8. 1. !Concrete
    ASSIGNMAT 12. 2. !Cu Target
    ASSIGNMAT 12. 17. !Cu Mirror
    ASSIGNMAT 40. 18. !Roof
    ASSIGNMAT 40. 19. !Floor

    Thanks for any help.

    Martin Holbourn
    Radiation Protection Adviser
    Daresbury Laboratory
    WA4 4AD
    Tel: 01925 603266
    Fax: 01925 603381

  • Next message: Chris Theis: "RE: Geometry Issue"

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