how to select charged particles?

From: Konstantin Batkov (
Date: Thu Dec 21 2006 - 11:06:46 CET

  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "Re: fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients"


    I have two more questions.
    1. I would like to analyze only charged particles in mgdraw.f. Is it
    correct to use the following expression?

         IF (ZFRTTK .GT. ZERZER)
    * ....
         END IF

    2. What is the difference between these variables :
      Zfftrk = <Z_eff> of the particle
      Zfrttk = actual Z_eff of the particle
    from TRACKR? (I do not understand what does word "actual" mean here.)
    I have already asked this question but nobody answered to me.


  • Next message: Alberto Fasso': "Re: fluence-to-dose equivalent conversion coefficients"

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