Re: EMFSTK variable description

From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Mon Jan 22 2007 - 10:41:38 CET

  • Next message: Fabio Bellini: "lattice with new format"

    >From Alberto Fasso:

    Dear Biagio,

    here is the meaning of the variables in EMFSTK as far as I know. Note
    however that for some of the variables I had to guess from the
    corresponding ones with a similar name in (FLKSTK).
    (Alfredo please check!)

    ETEMF = total energy in MeV
    PMEMF = momentum in MeV/c
    XEMF, YEMF, ZEMF = particle coordinates (cm)
    UEMF, VEMF, WEMF = particle direction cosines
    DNEAR = safe distance from the nearest boundary (cm)
    UPOL, VPOL, WPOL = direction cosines of the polarization vector
    USNRML, VSNRML, WSNRML = direction cosines of a (possible) surface normal
    WTEMF = particle weight
    AGEMF = particle age (s)
    CMPEMF = cumulative path travelled by the particle (cm)
    ESPARK = array of spare real variables available for the user
    RDLYEM = delay in production with respect to the nominal primary "0"
             time for a particle produced in radioactive decays (s)
    IESPAK = array of spare integer variables available for the user
    ICHEMF = particle charge (+1: positron, -1: electron, 0: photon)
    IREMF = region number
    IRLATT = lattice cell number
    NHPEMF = pointer to the history object (Geant4 geometry)
    LLOEMF = generation number
    LOUEMF = user flag
    LRDEMF = flag for particles generated in radioactive decays
    NPEMF = stack pointer
    NPSTRT = stack pointer of the last processed particle

    Yes, in the EMF part of FLUKA energies and momenta are in MeV and MeV/c,
    for historical reasons. A conversion from and to GeV and GeV/c is done
    at the interface with the calling routines.


    On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Biagio Di Micco wrote:

    > Dear all,
    > this is the first time I write to this group.
    > It is some months I am using fluka for the simulation
    > of the KLOE calorimeter.
    > I need for my pourpose the type of the particle that are put in the
    > EMFSTK. I am trying to build the whole structure of the shower development
    > and to dump it in a ntuple. Unluckly the (EMFSTK) is not commented and, as
    > I have read in the previous mails of this discussion list, there aren't
    > further documentation files at the moment. Can someone help me?
    > Morever I guess that PMEMF is the particle momentum in MeV, is it right?
    > I am wondering because I have always seen energy and momenta expressed in
    > GeV until now.
    > Thanks in advance

    Alberto Fassò
    SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
    Phone: (1 650) 926 4762   Fax: (1 650) 926 3569

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