Re: Understanding RESNUC scoring

From: Francesco Cerutti (
Date: Mon Jan 29 2007 - 18:37:25 CET

  • Next message: Francesco Cerutti: "Re: problem with USRBIN & USRBDX results"

    Dear Lindley,

    > Comparing my results for events with iCode=101 and RESNUC scoring with
    > What(1)=1, I get the same results for all nuclei except 6Li, 7Li, 6He. These
    > nuclei always show higher numbers in the RESNUC output.

    my guess is that you are missing the heavy fragments produced besides the
    residual nucleus. You identify the residual nucleus through the statement

           WRITE( 41.0, * ) NPHEAV, ICRES, IBRES, ERES, EKRES

    then you loop over the heavy secondaries created in the nuclear

           do 20 ip = 1, NPHEAV
                 WRITE( 41.0, *) ip, KHEAVY(ip), TKHEAV(ip), WHEAVY(ip)
      20 continue

    but, if kheavy(ip) > 6 (it is the case of 6Li, 7Li, 6He, ...), you
    do not record charge (icheav(KHEAVY(ip))) and mass number
    (ibheav(KHEAVY(ip))) of the fragment.

    Let me know if this is not the reason



    Francesco Cerutti
    CH-1211 Geneva 23
    tel. ++41 22 7678962
    fax ++41 22 7668854

  • Next message: Francesco Cerutti: "Re: problem with USRBIN & USRBDX results"

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