[fluka-discuss]: Respin Fluka2011.2c.6 released

From: Alfredo Ferrari <alfredo.ferrari_at_cern.ch>
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2017 17:22:33 +0200

Dear Fluka users

Fluka2011.2c.6, a respin of Fluka2011.2c, has been pushed to the web site.

This respin corrects three issues:

a) a possible array out of bounds when scoring momentum transfer
    (as far as we know nobody ever met this, apart one of us, Vasilis
b) an issue when defining scintillation photons using wavelengths, where
    the time constants input by the user were screwed up (again met by one
    of us, Paola, internally);
c) an issue when asking for a special user-defined 3D usrbin/eventbin
    (code 8 or 18) and at the same time asking for that binning either,
    Birks law quenching, or dose equivalent conversion coefficients, or
    user weighting through comscw or fluscw. In this case the weighting
    (whichever of the above) was not applied (thanks again to Paola
    for pinpointing it).

As usual support/assistance will be provided only for the latest respin.
Please note that if you did not use momentum transfer scoring (or you used
with no crash), you did not define scintillation photons using wavelenths
(or you did not care about timing issues), you did not use user-defined
3D usrbin/eventbin with one of weightings listed above, you should not
experience any difference in results and in random sequences wrt

              The Fluka developers

| Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: + |
| CERN-EN/STI || Fax.: + |
| 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: Alfredo.Ferrari_at_cern.ch |
| Switzerland || |

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