From: Sebastien WURTH (
Date: Thu Jul 05 2007 - 16:56:14 CEST
Hi Lonnie,
I think it is possible by using DETECT card (please see fluka's manual
at the corresponding section) and be aware to use FLUKA in analog mode
only and not using any biasing (note 2 in manual). I never tried it
that's why I said "think", maybe the post processing of the output data
is not as simple as for other fluka's applications (fluence or dose
scoring, resnuclei scoring,, ...) because there is not yet (as far as I
know) in the fluka package a fortran routine which deals with results of
logical unit 17 (the unit number in which the output from DETECT card is
Lonnie Cumberland wrote :
> Greetings All,
> I have been using MCNP for a little while now, but now it seems that
> MCNP cannot handle a problem that we would like to model and in my
> searching, seem that FLUKA can from what I have been reading.
> What we want to model is 2 simple NaI detectors, place a Cs-137 (or
> some other source) source between them and get the generated spectrum
> for each detector as well as the coincidence tally spectrum.
> Is there a easy way to do this with FLUKA?
> I am really new to FLUKA and if it can handle the coincidence counting
> issues, as well as being easy to use, then we will probably switch
> from using MCNP to this package but I would like to run some simple
> case tests first and any help that you can give me would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks and have a great day,
> Lonnie Cumberland, Prof.
> Nuclear/Mathematical Physicist
> (301) 975-6869 (Office)
> (313) 333-2935 (Cell)
> (301) 926-7416 (Fax)
> National Institute of Standards and Technology
> Ionizing Radiation Division (846)
> Radiation Physics Group (245), Room C106
> 100 Bureau Drive, Stop 8462
> Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8462
> EMAIL: <>
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