source.f - how "transparent" ?

From: Thomas Otto, SC-RP (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2007 - 09:41:13 CEST

  • Next message: Stefano Agosteo: "R: Coincidence counting between 2 NaI detectors"

    Dear colleagues,

    I need to define a particle source with circular diameter, emitting an
    particles according to an energy spectrum.
    The manual is not 100% clear on this issue, is the following approach
    - I define the gemetrical parameters of the source in what(4)and what(5)
    of BEAM and in what(1) - what(3) of BEAMPOS (the particles will tracel
    in positive z-direction)
    - I sample the kinetic energy from my spectrum within source.f. The
    geometrical parameters are left untouched by source.f and are passed on
    to the code, which will generate a gemoetrically extendend source.

    Thank you for confirming or correcting this assumtion,


    Thomas Otto
    Individual Dosimetry Service
    Radiation Protection PS Complex
    CH 1211 Geneve 23
    Tel. (+41 22) 76 73272
    Fax. (+41 22) 76 79360

  • Next message: Stefano Agosteo: "R: Coincidence counting between 2 NaI detectors"

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