From: Helmut Vincke (
Date: Fri Jul 06 2007 - 17:06:59 CEST
Dear Thomas
The parameters of beam and beampos are transferred to the code partly in
case you use the SOURCE parameter.
In detail: the position and the direction is taken into account (beam
pos), however, the spatial distribution which is given by the parameters
WHAT(4 - 6) are not considered in the simulation if SOURCE is used. I
did already the mistake of expecting an extended source, using the
source card and the BEAM What 4 - 6 together. Fortunately I checked it
with a fluence detector and it turned out to be a pencil beam instead of
a circular beam which I have expected.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alberto Fasso'
Sent: Freitag, 6. Juli 2007 14:13
To: Thomas Otto
Cc:; Jerome Desarzens
Subject: Re: source.f - how "transparent" ?
Hi Thomas,
> I need to define a particle source with circular diameter, emitting an
> particles according to an energy spectrum.
> The manual is not 100% clear on this issue, is the following approach
> correct:
> - I define the gemetrical parameters of the source in what(4)and
what(5) of
Actually, you need also what(6): otherwise, you get a beam with a
section. To get a circular section, define it as annular with internal
radius = 0.
And probably you need also what(3) to request an isotropic source
you get a parallel source along z: is that what you want?)
> and in what(1) - what(3) of BEAMPOS (the particles will tracel in
> positive z-direction)
> - I sample the kinetic energy from my spectrum within source.f. The
> geometrical parameters are left untouched by source.f and are passed
on to
> the code, which will generate a gemoetrically extendend source.
> Thank you for confirming or correcting this assumtion,
-- Alberto Fasso` SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025 Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
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