From: Vasilis Vlachoudis (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2007 - 09:47:49 CEST
Dear Ketil,
for the moment the information you want is not existing in the RESNUC
check the mail in the fluka-list
I didn't go through your mgdraw routine to check if it is ok, but I saw in your input you are using natural Silicon with a content of 3% of Si-30 and 4.7% of Si-29.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Ketil Rĝed
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 02:06
Subject: usdraw & mgdraw.f
Dear all FLUKA users!
I am running a simple example to get familiar with the mgdraw.f routine
of FLUKA. I am interested in scoring the inelastic
cross section for protons on a silicon target. In addition I would like
to score information on the
secondary particle production.
My geometry is very simple as can be seen in the attahced .inp file; to
reduce the probability of multiple
scattering I am using a thin (0.01 cm) silicon target.
I am using the entry USDRAW in mgdraw.f to score particles produced
through inelasting and elastic
interaction. Through information available in (TRACKR), (GENSTK),
(RESNUC) and (FHEAVY) I can score different types
of particle parameters.
(TRACKR): TRACKs Recording (properties of the currently transported
particle and its path)
(GENSTK): properties of each secondary created in a hadronic event
(RESNUC): properties of the current residual nucleus
(FHEAVY): stack of heavy secondaries created in nuclear evaporation
When an interaction takes place I dump information of interest about the
primary particle,secondaries,
heavy secondaries and the residual nucleus. See my attached mgdraw.f for
detailed information.
Output is formatted and structured for easy post processing, and an
example is given here:
Column 1 indicates source of information:
1: primary particle (TRACKR) (+NP & NPHEAV)
2: secondaries (GENSTK)
3: residual nucleus (RESNUC)
4: heavy secondaries (FHEAVY)
1 37735 1 0 100 1 0 0.099993 0.000000 0.000000 0.000882 1.0
2 37735 1 1 100 1 0 0 0.09992 0.08741 -0.10571 0.99055 1.0
3 37735 1 1 100 0 14 28 0.00007 -0.03891 0.04684 0.00437 1.0
1 39744 1 0 100 1 0 0.099975 -0.000003 -0.000001 0.002867 1.0
2 39744 1 1 100 1 0 0 0.09997 0.04786 -0.00442 0.99884 1.0
3 39744 1 1 100 0 14 28 0.00001 -0.02183 0.00147 0.00053 1.0
1 42027 1 0 101 4 2 0.099872 0.000000 0.000001 0.006844 1.0
2 42027 1 1 101 1 0 0 0.03241 0.81883 0.06937 0.56982 1.0
2 42027 1 2 101 1 0 0 0.01079 -0.49355 -0.86955 0.01712 1.0
2 42027 1 3 101 7 0 0 0.00906 -0.95249 0.29478 0.07666 1.0
2 42027 1 4 101 7 0 0 0.00439 0.51260 0.49615 -0.70077 1.0
3 42027 1 1 101 0 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.0
4 42027 1 1 101 7 6 12 0.01188 -0.12700 0.67350 0.72819 1.0
4 42027 1 2 101 8 7 15 0.00247 -0.23353 -0.93209 -0.27690 1.0
Different information is given for the primaries compared to the
The main information I want is the particle type,
energy, direction, and type of interaction. For the secondaries and
heavy secondaries
GENSTK and FHEAVY contains information on direction, however I can not
find the same information
in RESNUC. Thus, for the moment I give the momentum components instead.
Can anyone tell me where to find the direction of the residual nucleus?
I would also like if someone can check if my usdraw/mgdraw.f routine and
my settings in the inp file
is correct with regards to my task; scoring the inelastic cross section
and all particles produced
in the interactions (at the interaction point).
The reason for the last question is that in a few cases I see something
I don't understand for the elastic
interactions. The two blocks of output data below are taken from the 2nd
of 5 runs with
a 100 MeV proton beam (100000 primaries per run). See attached file
"proton100mev002_secondary.log" for source (produced by mgdraw.f).
For ncase 57831 and 60628 I have problems balancing numbers of particles
before and after interaction.
How can I get a Silicon with nuclear mass numbers of 29 & 30 from a
proton on Si-28 elastic interaction?
1 57831 1 0 100 1 0 0.099980 -0.000001 0.000000 0.001614 1.0
2 57831 1 1 100 1 0 0 0.09998 -0.01587 0.02210 0.99963 1.0
3 57831 1 1 100 0 14 30 0.00000 0.00676 -0.00985 0.00017 1.0
1 60628 1 0 100 1 0 0.099947 0.000000 0.000001 0.002527 1.0
2 60628 1 1 100 1 0 0 0.09820 -0.27552 0.58946 0.75936 1.0
3 60628 1 1 100 0 14 29 0.00174 0.12146 -0.25924 0.11006 1.0
Am I using the mgdraw.f routine in an incorrect way? Are any of my
three settings related to physics
incorrect? Or is my interpretation of the RESNUC ICRES and IBRES values
I appreciate any corrections or comments.
Best regards,
Ketil Rĝed
PhD student
University of Bergen
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