Dear FLUKA experts,
I am working on adaptive geometry by using the NM2BDY and RSTBDY functions in the source user routine.
I am currently able to change the body to my specifications; however, I also need to change the material assigned to the body specified in the routine.
To be more specific, I have an RPP that changes in thickness according to given weights. I have 13 different thicknesses that are the same material, but for the 14th thickness I need to change the material.
Is there any possible way to do this?
Code snippet :
WHAT(1) = -5.0
WHAT(2) = 5.0
WHAT(3) = -5.0
WHAT(4) = 5.0
WHAT(5) = -260.81
WHAT(6) = -260.81+THICKN(NRAN)
Lars Fredrik Fjæra
PhD student in Medical Physics
Department of Physics and Technology
University of Bergen, Norway
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Received on Tue Sep 12 2017 - 13:20:45 CEST