Thank you Paola
I tried running similar inputs with different energies found
out that the quantities (energy,dose and dose-eq) of the
two scoring cards match.
But I am still not clear which dose conversion coefficients
are used to calculate the dose-eq. I scored photon fluence and used DCF
ICRP74 Table A.21 column H*(10)/phi to convolute it with the fluence.
But my numbers are not matching with the fluka results.
On 2017-12-07 22:17, paola sala wrote:
> Dear Deepak Akar
> Regarding question 1): cartesian binning returns energy deposited in
> GeV/cm^3,
> while region binning returns GeV in the given region. Since the total
> volume of your binning stucture is
> is 1000cm^3, one expects a factor 1000 in between the two results. I
> get exactly this when I run your input,
> while your listing gives a strange value for the region binning
> (should be almost equal to the photon energy).
> Could you please check again, in particular to be sure that there was
> no mixing of different inputs with the same name?
> 2) could you please explain what do you mean by " am not able to
> compute" ?
> Hope this helps
> Paola
> On 12/06/2017 10:49 AM, Deepak Akar wrote:
>> Dear Fluka Users
>> I tried computing 1)Energy deposited 2) Dose and 3) dose-Eq
>> in same region using USERBIN card where 1) region binning and
>> 2) cartesion binning were used (note-both corresponded to the same
>> volume).
>> I have attached the input file.
>> I am having following doubts
>> 1) why the quantities and associated errors are different in both the
>> binning
>> 2) I am not able to compute dose-eq from the scored dose in fluka
>> using the explanation given in the manual.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Regards
>> Vitisha
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Received on Mon Dec 11 2017 - 11:49:30 CET