Re: [fluka-discuss]: Unable to score data using USRBDX

From: Francesc Salvat-Pujol <>
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2017 12:47:10 +0100

Dear Riya,

In the screenshot one sees that ustsuw is called (program to analyse
USRTRACK output). However, I see no USRTRACK card in your input file.
Looks like there is a leftover request/memory to process a USRTRACK.
Removing it from the Data panel and scanning again for detectors should
solve your problem.



On Mon, Dec 11 2017, at 09:31 +0530, RIYA DEY wrote:
>Dear FLUKA Experts,
>I was trying to find out the flux through the surfaces of a cylinder of
>radius 60 cm and height 200 cm from a hemispherical source containing
>photons of 1 MeV, having radius 100 m i.e.10000 cm above it. I sampled the
>source uniformly and the photons are emitted isotropically. When I use
>USRBDX card, while processing the data the following error message is
>appearing and no data is generated. The area mentioned in the USRBDX card
>is taken as the area of the cylinder.
>Kindly help me to identify what the issue is.
>The .inp file, .flair file and the source.f file are attached here.
>With regards,
>Riya Dey

Francesc Salvat Pujol
CH-1211 Geneva 23
Tel: +41 22 76 64011
Fax: +41 22 76 69474
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