voxel / 64bit

From: Ing. Alessandro A. Porta (porta@nuclearmi.cesnef.polimi.it)
Date: Tue Sep 11 2007 - 14:53:29 CEST

  • Next message: Paola Sala: "Information of a recent change in the FLUKA code"

    I've attached .ERR, .LOG and .OUT files.
    The "NO_" files dealt with the errors encountered on the 64 bit cluster with
    CentOS, the others come from my pc (64bit CPU + Fedora 7 32 bit) and are
    identical to those coming from a 32 bit cluster (RedHat 7 ... I think).

    The total voxel numbers and dimensions are right:
    343 x 435 x 88 and 0.451 x 0.451 x 1.25 mm

    BUT (!!!) :
    Region Quantity

    002 146021
    003 5300603
    004 1072931
    005 61
    006 108826
    007 45
    008 27
    009 86

    So I should confirm that none region is made up of a single voxel.
    Again, I get that message ONLY on the 64 bit-CentOS cluster. My pc and the
    other cluster give the ERR, LOG and OUT files without the "NO_" prefix that
    I've attached.

    Again, the "NO_" files report duplicated materials but the other files don't
    present such informations.

    PLEASE NOTE: my very worry is due to the material duplication and I can't
    understand THIS problem even discarding the voxel-number issue.

    There could be something uncompatible with CentOS ???
    I'm quite perplexed.

    Alessandro A. Porta, Ing., EQ III, Ph.D.
    CESNEF - Politecnico di Milano
    Via Ponzio 34/3 - 20133 Milano - Italy
    ph.: +39-02-2399-6365 / 6300
    fax. +39-02-2399-6309
    e-mail: alessandro.porta@polimi.it
    URL: http://www.radioprotezione.polimi.it

  • Next message: Paola Sala: "Information of a recent change in the FLUKA code"

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