Re: usrbdx + flair

From: Alberto Fasso' (fasso@SLAC.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Sat Jan 12 2008 - 18:51:32 CET

  • Next message: Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.: "Re: usrbdx + flair"

    Dear Bhushan,

    > Just check this what i understand from your help.
    > When i am scoring in linear binning in energy and for only one bin solid
    > angle (one way), to get fluence (part/cm-2/pri) i will do
    > flux (pat/Gev/cm-2/pr) X (Max. energy of the bin - Min. energy of the bin=
    > X 2pi.
    > i.e form *_tab.lis file
    > IIIrd column X (IInd column - Ist column) X 2pi
    > for total fluence addition of the above quantity for all the bins.
    > is it correct?

    Not completely. The X 2pi part is already done by the usxsuw program
    (if you look at the output you will see a line such as:
       # Detector n: 1 piFluenUD (integrated over solid angle)
       # N. of energy intervals 50

    so, you need only to do
    IIIrd column X (IInd column - Ist column)

    The lines above are reproduced form the Fluka manual, Chap. 2
    (A FLUKA beginner's guide).
    I suggest that you study carefully that Chapter: there are clear
    answers to most of your questions.


    > and what if i am scoring energy in log binning, in case of neutron i am
    > using log binning.
    > the same eq i have to use ?
    > Also I want to know why to multiply by 2 pi, as i am using only single
    > binning of angular distribution.
    > I will be very thankful to you.
    > Thanking you.
    > Patil Bhushan J.
    >> Dear Bhushan
    >> in Flair, the option you want is Y x DX. But be careful: this will give
    > you the INTEGRATED fluence in each interval: in general, this
    >> representatio=3D
    >> n
    >> is not good for plotting, unless each interval has the same width (i.e.,
    > can be used for linear binning but is meaningless for logarithmic
    > binning).
    >> I would suggest that you try the utility program usxsuw (you find it in
    > $FLUPRO/flutil). It gives you:
    >> 1) the total fluence, integrated over energy and solid angle
    >> 2) the fluence differential in energy, but integrated over solid angle
    >> (from what I understand you are not interested in this)
    >> 3) the fluence CUMULATIVE in energy and integrated over solid angle.
    >> This is exactly what you are looking for: if you take the difference
    > between any two energies you get the total integrated fluence
    > between
    >> t=3D
    >> hose
    >> two energies. If the two energies are the the limits of a single
    > bin,
    >> you get the fluence in that bin.=3D20
    >> Only, remember that usxsuw works only with binary output files.
    >> Finally, you can obtain what you want by a simple multiplication:
    > multiply
    >> each bin by 2 pi (or 4 pi, depending if you have a 1-way or 2-way
    > scoring)
    >> and by the difference of energy limits of the bin. The latter is a
    > constant=3D
    >> ,
    >> since you are doing a linear scoring. This constant is equal to
    >> (Max. energy requested - Min. energy)/number of bins.
    >> Alberto
    >> On Fri, 11 Jan 2008, Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil. wrote:
    >>> Respected sir
    >>> Thank you for your kind help. The information is very useful for
    >>> me.
    >>> I want to ask one more question that which option of flair i will use
    > to calculate the y axis result in (cm-2 per incident particle) unit.
    > Just i want to remove the per GeV and per Sr terms or how i will do it
    > manually.
    >>> waiting for your reply
    >>> Thanking you in advance.
    >>>> Dear Bhushan,
    >>>> From the manual:
    >>>> "Note: The results of a USRBDX boundary crossing estimator are
    >>>> always given as DOUBLE DIFFERENTIAL distributions of
    > fluence (or current) in energy and solid angle, in units of
    > cm-2 GeV-1 sr-1 per incident primary, EVEN WHEN ONLY 1
    > INTERVAL (BIN) HAS BEEN REQUESTED, which is often the case
    > for angular distributions."
    >>>> The output of the USRBDX card is fluence. Now if you do what you are
    > asking "multiply by the difference of the Ist and IInd column" what
    > you
    >>>> will get is a histogram of weighted counts for every energy bin. For
    > flair please look in the last fluka courses the flair-2.pdf file. You
    > have several options depending on what you will like to plot, both on
    > the X-axis and the Y-axis.
    >>>> Variables: "Low" xl =3D3D Ist column, "High" xh =3D3D IInd column, Y =
    =3D3D II=3D
    >> Ird
    >>>> column
    >>>> X-axis
    >>>> 1. GeoMean: sqrt(xl*xh) <Xgeo>
    >>>> The geometrical mean of the two values. Useful if you want to plot
    >>>> point in the geometrical center of each bin. To be used only if you ma=
    >>>> a logX plot. Be careful this is only for plotting it doesn't care what
    > you have scored in fluka linear or log in energy.
    >>>> 2. Mean (xl+xh)/2 <X>
    >>>> Normal mean. To be used for linear plots
    >>>> 3. Low (xl)
    >>>> Low value of the bin. To be used when plotting like a histogram
    > the
    >>>> data, together with the "steps" style
    >>>> 4. High (xh)
    >>>> High value of the bin. Same as 3 but for "histeps"
    >>>> Y-axis
    >>>> There you have several choices on the way you want to represent your d=
    >> a
    >>>> i) Y
    >>>> The value of the IIIrd column as given by fluka
    >>>> ii) Y x <X>
    >>>> The value multiplied by the mean of the first two columns. To plot in
    > isolethargic way with linear x-axis
    >>>> iii) Y x <Xgeo>
    >>>> Multiplied by the geometric mean. Isolethargic way with log x-axis iv)
    > Y x Xl
    >>>> ...
    >>>> v) Y x Xh
    >>>> ...
    >>>> vi) Y x DX
    >>>> Number of "counts" per bin.
    >>>> Examples:
    >>>> * To plot normal fluence like a histogram (log or linear) you have to
    > choose
    >>>> X: Low [xl]
    >>>> Y: Y
    >>>> With: steps
    >>>> * To plot normal fluence with error bars (linear)
    >>>> X: Mean (xl+xh)/2
    >>>> Y: Y
    >>>> With: errorbars
    >>>> * To plot normal fluence with error bars (log)
    >>>> X: GeoMean sqrt(xl*xh)
    >>>> Y: Y
    >>>> With: errorbars
    >>>> * To plot isolethargic fluence as histogram (log)
    >>>> X: Low [xl]
    >>>> Y: X*<Ygeo>
    >>>> With: steps
    >>>> ...
    >>>> Regards
    >>>> Vasilis
    >>>> B H U S H A N wrote:
    >>>>> Dear fluka users and experts,
    >>>>> USRBDX 101.0 7.0 -31.0 20.0 3.0
    >>>>> 10.5768PhFluenUD
    >>>>> USRBDX 0.006 0.00 100.0 =
    >>>>> This is my usrbdx card for the detection of photon fluence. I want to
    > calculate fluence of photon passing through the region 20 to 3. how
    > can
    >>>>> i
    >>>>> get it?
    >>>>> I was doing fluence calulation by this way
    >>>>> IIIrd column in *_tab.lis (i.e photon/cm^2/GeV/primary
    > particle)
    >>>>> multiply this by the differece of Ist and IInd column of the same
    > row.
    >>>>> Is this right? if not please reply me the correct way. does
    >>>>> the
    >>>>> same way is useful for neutron fluence calculation?
    >>>>> Also I have installed flair, in flair for plotting USR-1D and in
    >>>>> detector information of this there are 6 different option for Y axix
    > selection. like
    >>>>> i) Y
    >>>>> ii) Y x <X>
    >>>>> iii) Y x <Xgeo>
    >>>>> iv) Y x Xl
    >>>>> v) Y x Xh
    >>>>> vi) Y x DX
    >>>>> I want to know that which one is correct for fluence calculation(i
    > was
    >>>>> using last one) and where other option will be useful. what are its
    > meaning.
    >>>>> THank you very much.
    >>>>> Bhushan
    >>>>> =3D09*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*=
    > =3D09!* =3D09Mr. PATIL BHUSHANKUMAR JAGNNATH. =3D09=3D09!*
    > =3D09*!=3D09 Junior Reasearch Fellow *!
    >>>>> !*=3D09=3D09DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS,=3D09 =
    >>>>> =3D09!*=3D09=3D09UNIVERSITY OF PUNE,=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09!*
    >>>>> =3D09*!=3D09=3D09GANESHKHIND, PUNE=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09*!
    >>>>> =3D09!*=3D09=3D09MAHARASHTRA=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09!*
    >>>>> =3D09*!=3D09=3D09INDIA.=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09*!
    >>>>> =3D09!*=3D09=3D09411007=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09=3D09!*
    >>>>> =3D09*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*=
    >>>>> Alternate mail-id
    >>>>> Web-page
    >>>> --
    >>>> This message has been scanned for viruses and
    >>>> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
    >>>> believed to be clean.
    >>> Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.
    >>> Microtron Accelerator Lab.
    >>> Department of Physics,
    >>> University of Pune,
    >>> Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
    >>> Ph. No. Off. 020-25692678 Ext. 421
    >>> Mob. 9823968377
    >>> Webpage
    >>> Alternate e-mail
    >> --=3D20
    >> Alberto Fass=3DF2
    >> SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
    >> Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569
    >> --1334196822-2031075482-1200075830=3D3D:32695--
    >> --
    >> This message has been scanned for viruses and
    >> dangerous content by MailScanner, and is
    >> believed to be clean.
    > Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.
    > Microtron Accelerator Lab.
    > Department of Physics,
    > University of Pune,
    > Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
    > Ph. No. Off. 020-25692678 Ext. 421
    > Mob. 9823968377
    > Webpage
    > Alternate e-mail

    Alberto Fass=F2
    SLAC-RP, MS 48, 2575 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park CA 94025
    Phone: (1 650) 926 4762 Fax: (1 650) 926 3569

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