[fluka-discuss]: Re: Custom source.f file error while filtering by particle type

From: Michel Georges Najarian <michel.najarian_at_edu.uwaterloo.ca>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2019 13:45:46 +0000

Small correction in the previous email, I said: "go the the next line of the document ( in source.f: GOTO 310)". The correct line is: go the the next line of the document ( in source.f: GOTO 10)" which is the 150th line of the source.f file.

Michel Georges Najarian
From: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it <owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it> on behalf of Michel Georges Najarian <michel.najarian_at_edu.uwaterloo.ca>
Sent: Monday, April 8, 2019 11:09 AM
To: fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org
Subject: [fluka-discuss]: Custom source.f file error while filtering by particle type

Dear Fluka experts,

(TLDR at the bottom)

I'm currently using the two step method to simulate GCR hitting a tepc detector situated at 86m above sea level, in Ottawa. Currently I have been successful in the first step, using a custom mgdraw.f file to save the results in a temporary file and then, using a small piece of fortran code that I wrote, manipulate the data to my specifications. In the end, the source.f file reads the information from tempfileDOWN which contains the readings for all particle types. the second argument that I'm passing to the SOURCE subroutine through the input file, is the particle type that I would like to score or, 201 if I want to score everything. When selecting 201 as the argument, source.f works without an issue and I have results. However, when selecting a particle type, for example 11 which is the negative muons, the program fails. I have added multiple write statements to look at the log and see where the issue happens but every time, the issue happens after source.f finishes running. I am by no means an expert in fluka thus I am unsure on how to proceed. I have been trying to fix this issue for multiple days now but have failed.

Additionally, I used the rdsource.solution.f file from the 4th advanced course and workshop as my template and modified it. The main piece of code that I have added is that after reading the value of each required element (particle type, x, y, z coordinates, etc), I verify if the particle type of the element is the same as the type of element we want. If not, then go the the next line of the document ( in source.f: GOTO 310). If this is indeed the issue, I do not see why. any help will be greatly appreciated. I have attached the input file, the tempfile as well as my source.f file. Thank you very much.

TLDR: When trying to filter the particles in the source.f file, it fails but when selecting all types of particles, the program completes succesfully. Not Sure where the error is.

Michel Georges Najarian

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