Re: Re: Biasing in air

From: <>
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 09:00:10 +0800 (CST)

Dear Andrea,

I attached my input file and the plot of the geometry, where V1 in the
figure is the wall, V2 is the room. A lot of planes are used in the input
file to describe the geometry which looks complex but it works. I don't
care the transport of particles in the wall very much now.

I use USRBIN to record the dose map inside the big room, but I can't get
good statistics near the wall. Now I am trying to use LAM-BIAS to increase
the inelastic reaction of proton with the vacuum tank to produce more
neutrons and isotopes, I don't know if it is a good method to improve the

Many thanks to you and Best wishes

>Dear fluka user,
> can you please send us your input for a better understanding of your

>> Dear fluka user,
>> My geometry is: a big room with the cyclotron in the center.
>> I want to calculate the residual field map inside the room.
>> Since the statistics near the wall is very poor even I use 5e8 particles,
>> I would like to use the biasing card. But from the fluka course 2009,
>> I found the splitting in vacuum (or air) is inefficient since of the
>> splitting
>> daughters are strongly correlated. So the question is:
>> How to get good statistics near the wall which is about 15 m far from the
>> cyclotron?
>> Many thanks for your help!
>> Best wishes
>> Yuanjie Bi

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