Re: [fluka-discuss]: Writting SOURCE user routine generating from file with mixture of particles?

From: Mina Nozar <>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:18:53 -0800

Dear Alberto,

No problem and thank you very much for the fix. I tried:

** END IF**

* 100 FORMAT(I2,1X,3(E10.4,1X),3(E23.16,1X),2(E10.4,1X))*

and now get:

* 8 -.2635E+03 0.6864E+02 0.2944E+04 -0.6332783577022189E+00
-0.3722034999484587E+00 -0.6785448226109299E+00 0.6606E-06 0.6400E-05**
** 7 -.2635E+03 0.6589E+02 0.2946E+04 -0.4822515648543289E+00
-0.8047950128287192E+00 0.3460323908560768E+00 0.8389E-03 0.2133E-06**
** 7 -.2635E+03 0.7252E+02 0.2941E+04 -0.7274812055368878E+00
0.1436728665088557E+00 -0.6709166885834075E+00 0.1702E-03 0.2133E-06**
** 8 -.2635E+03 0.7615E+02 0.2963E+04 -0.6197521724979730E+00
0.3405052282917437E+00 0.7070809247816193E+00 0.4350E-04 0.6400E-05**
** 8 -.2635E+03 0.8386E+02 0.2965E+04 -0.9697606488622998E+00
-0.2337286859370908E+00 0.7025087393258518E-01 0.7173E-04 0.6400E-05*

so it looks good. And within 16 sig. figs. the magnitude of dir.
cosines is normalized to 1. If I read these number in, then

*TXFLK(NPFLKA) = CosX(line)**
**TYFLK(NPFLKA) = CosY(line)*
& - TYFLK(NPFLKA)**2 )*

is not needed and

*TZFLK(NPFLKA) = CosZ(line)*

should work fine.

Please bear with me as I ask this question. I am trying to understand
what the ramifications of using unnormalized dir. cosines would be (i.e.
if I didn't write and read in the full 16 sig. fig. numbers).

The reason behind the two step (for the project I am working on) is to
test out different shielding configurations for the upstream section (in
the backward direction around the beamline). And because there will be
few iterations as the beamline components and positions get finalized.
It takes much less time to do the iterations. Once I am happy with the
final setup, I would run a long statistics single step.

Thank you and best wishes,

On 13-11-13 10:35 PM, Fasso, Alberto wrote:
> Sorry Mina,
> I wrote in a hurry, and I miscalculated the total number figures needed. Instead of E20.16, write E23.16 (16, plus one for the sign, one for the decimal point, 3 for the exponent, and a couple for some separation blanks). About the latter, add some spaces also between the other numbers.
> Apologies
> Alberto
> ________________________________________
> From: Mina Nozar []
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2013 5:34 PM
> To: Fasso, Alberto;
> Cc:; Vahan Petrosyan
> Subject: Re: [fluka-discuss]: Writting SOURCE user routine generating from file with mixture of particles?
> Hi Alberto,
> Do you know why the output from mgdraw looks like this now?
> 8
> -.2635E+030.6864E+020.2944E+04************************************************************0.6606E-060.6400E-05
> 7
> -.2635E+030.6589E+020.2946E+04************************************************************0.8389E-030.2133E-06
> 7
> -.2635E+030.7252E+020.2941E+04************************************************************0.1702E-030.2133E-06
> 8
> -.2635E+030.7615E+020.2963E+04************************************************************0.4350E-040.6400E-05
> The format statement I have is:
> 100 FORMAT(I2,1X,3(E10.4),3(E20.16),2(E10.4),1X)
> Do I need to force a new line after so many characters?
> Thank you,
> Mina
> On 13-11-13 02:09 AM, Alberto Fasso' wrote:
>> Dear Mina,
>> those lines you report are not written "by FLUKA"! (ENTRY BXDRAW in the
>> mgdraw.f routine does not produce any output by default). They are
>> written by you, probably using a WRITE(...,*) statement. While the
>> values of the variables
>> have in the code 16 significant figures, what they have in that output is
>> only 4 figures: the sum of the squares of the cosines, which is
>> exactly = 1.0
>> (within 16 significant figures!) in the code, is now 1.0 within only 4
>> figures,
>> as you can see from your test.
>> There are two ways you can fix this problem.
>> 1) write the cosines with 16 significant figures, using
>> FORMAT(...,E20.16,...)
>> 2) read COSX, COSY and COSZ, calculate COSNEW as
>> SQRT(ONEONE - COSX**2 - COSY**2), give it the sign of COSZ
>> using the Fortran function SIGN(COSNEW,COSZ), and set COSZ = COSNEW
>> Alberto
>> On Tue, 12 Nov 2013, Mina Nozar wrote:
>>> Here is the first few lines from the data file written out by FLUKA,
>>> containg x,y,z, cosx,cosy,cosz, E, weight of neutrons and photons.
>>> 8 -.2635E+03 0.6864E+02 0.2944E+04 -.6333E+00 -.3722E+00 -.6785E+00
>>> 0.6606E-06 0.6400E-05
>>> 7 -.2635E+03 0.6589E+02 0.2946E+04 -.4823E+00 -.8048E+00 0.3460E+00
>>> 0.8389E-03 0.2133E-06
>>> 7 -.2635E+03 0.7252E+02 0.2941E+04 -.7275E+00 0.1437E+00 -.6709E+00
>>> 0.1702E-03 0.2133E-06
>>> 8 -.2635E+03 0.7615E+02 0.2963E+04 -.6198E+00 0.3405E+00 0.7071E+00
>>> 0.4350E-04 0.6400E-05
>>> 8 -.2635E+03 0.8386E+02 0.2965E+04 -.9698E+00 -.2337E+00 0.7025E-01
>>> 0.7173E-04 0.6400E-05
>>> 7 -.2635E+03 0.7403E+02 0.2909E+04 -.9050E+00 0.4251E+00 0.1854E-01
>>> 0.2451E-02 0.1030E-07
>>> 7 -.2635E+03 0.6947E+02 0.2910E+04 -.6588E+00 0.4806E+00 0.5788E+00
>>> 0.8012E-03 0.1031E-07
>>> 7 -.2635E+03 0.7410E+02 0.2914E+04 -.8432E+00 -.2508E+00 0.4755E+00
>>> 0.5228E-03 0.1840E-07
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> ...
>>> and sqrt(cosx^2 + cosy^2 + cosz^2):
>>> sqrt(.6333E+00^2 + .3722E+00^2 + .6785E+00^2) = 0.99998198...
>>> sqrt(.4823E+00^2 + .8048E+00^2 + .3460E+00^2) = 1.00000161648...
>>> sqrt(.7275E+00^2 + .1437E+00^2 + .6709E+00^2) = 1.00000637497...
>>> sqrt(.6198E+00^2 + .3405E+00^2 + .7071E+00^2) = 1.000041349...
>>> sqrt(.9698E+00^2 + .2337E+00^2 + .7025E-01^2) = 1.0000313957...
>>> sqrt(.9050E+00^2 + .4251E+00^2 + .1854E-01^2) = 1.000003937...
>>> sqrt(.6588E+00^2 + .4806E+00^2 + .5788E+00^2) = 1.000001619...
>>> sqrt(.8432E+00^2 + .2508E+00^2 + .4755E+00^2) = 0.99999356...
>>> Mina
>>> On 13-11-12 04:57 PM, Mina Nozar wrote:
>>>> Hello Andrea,
>>>> But I get the same problem with an output file writtin by FLUKA
>>>> (through usrdump and mgdraw.f). What is the solution then?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Mina
>>>> On 13-11-12 12:41 PM, wrote:
>>>>> Dear Vahan,
>>>>> What are the columns #5,6 and 7?
>>>>> As Mina wrote,
>>>>>> The problem seems to be in the following line:
>>>>>> * & - TYFLK (NPFLKA)**2 )
>>>>> but you should NOT change it, the problem is that TXFLK (NPFLKA)**2 +
>>>>> TYFLK (NPFLKA)**2 is greater than 1 (!) in your case and you have the
>>>>> floating exception....
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Andrea
>>>>>> I commented it out and added:
>>>>>> The above fix gets rid of the core dump but again, I don't know
>>>>>> why the
>>>>>> original line causes a core dump. I have run into this problem
>>>>>> before.
>>>>>> I am sending this response to the list. Maybe someone has an
>>>>>> explanation (I am neither a FLUKA nor a FORTRAN expert).
>>>>>> I ran your project with the 'test.dat' file and produced output files
>>>>>> (please check the numbers, I didn't look at the source file in
>>>>>> detail).
>>>>>> 3 0.2 0.3 -0.9 -0.2 -0.4 -0.9 0.003
>>>>>> 1 0.3 -0.3 -0.6 0.5 0.5 -0.3 0.007
>>>>>> 3 -0.3 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.9 0.8 0.006
>>>>>> I don't think you need the data file to be in the D+/-xx format (from
>>>>>> your 'test-correct.dat' file). FLUKA itself doesn't write output
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> the first step (scoring particles crossing a boundary (boundaries) in
>>>>>> this format.
>>>>>> 1 20D-01 1D-02 -1D+00 -1D-01 1D-01 1D-01 1D-04
>>>>>> 3 10.2D-01 1.3D-02 -14D+00 -8D-01 1.2D-01 1D-01 1D-03
>>>>>> 8 20D-01 1D-02 -1D+00 -1.1D-01 1D-01 1D-01 200D-04
>>>>>> 3 19D-01 10D-02 -18D+00 -1D-01 -1D-01 -1D-01 1D-04
>>>>>> Again, I am not an expert, so I'll leave it to the experts to
>>>>>> comment.
>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>> Mina
>>>>>> On 13-11-09 06:36 AM, Vahan Petrosyan wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks for reply your answer helped me very much.
>>>>>>> But I revised my source code and found many LOGICAL mistakes because
>>>>>>> of which my source routine didn't work at all. Yes it run but it
>>>>>>> didn't take beam from data file. So.... I corrected my mistakes and
>>>>>>> now it works as I want.
>>>>>>> But I have SMALL Problem! Can you help me please?
>>>>>>> I have DATA FILE in this format: 3 0.2 0.3 -0.9 -0.2
>>>>>>> -0.4 -0.9 0.003
>>>>>>> but when I run it crashes with ERROR: "Floating point exception
>>>>>>> (core
>>>>>>> dumped)"
>>>>>>> I read the the lecture
>>>>>>> Where it SAYS:
>>>>>>> "The code works under IMPLICIT DOUBLE PRECISION for variables in the
>>>>>>> range (A-H,O-Z). Don?t forget ..D+/-xx (eg
>>>>>>> 2.3D+00, 7.8D-03) in all numerical settings in user routines, and be
>>>>>>> careful in passing variables to/from Fluka"
>>>>>>> ie passed number should be in this form "2.3D+00".
>>>>>>> So...... I manually crated DATA FILE with this format: 1 20D-01
>>>>>>> 1D-02 -1D+00 -1D-01 1D-01 1D-01 1D-04
>>>>>>> and my code worked as I expected.
>>>>>>> ..................
>>>>>>> I tried to use DBLE() function in order to convert my array elements
>>>>>>> to DOUBlE PRECISION when I assign it to the FLUKA variables but it
>>>>>>> doesn't help...... again the same error appears.
>>>>>>> ....I do like this....
>>>>>>> .....................
>>>>>>> When I use another DATA FILE where numbers are like this "2.3D+00"
>>>>>>> format My code WORKS JUST FINE!!!
>>>>>>> Now I try to convert data in form "2.3D+00" myself using this doc.
>>>>>>> but can't implement.... the same error appears.....
>>>>>>> So question how can I convert my DATA file numbers to this "2.3D+00"
>>>>>>> format using FORTRAN77?
>>>>>>> Thank You!
>>>>>>> On 11/8/2013 10:47 PM, wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hello Vahan,
>>>>>>>> I just tried compiling and running the executable and it worked
>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>> fine.
>>>>>>>> I defined a new run in your flair project, named testroutine-A with
>>>>>>>> 1000
>>>>>>>> primaries per cycle and 5 cycles.
>>>>>>>> Cmd: /usr/bin/nohup
>>>>>>>> /triumfcs/linux/fluka/fluka/default/flutil/rfluka
>>>>>>>> -M 5
>>>>>>>> testroutine-A
>>>>>>>> produced:
>>>>>>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 nozarm nozarm 4000238 Nov 8 10:39stroutine-A001.log
>>>>>>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 nozarm nozarm 4000238 Nov 8 10:39
>>>>>>>> testroutine-A001_fort.32
>>>>>>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 nozarm nozarm 114352 Nov 8 10:39
>>>>>>>> testroutine-A001.out
>>>>>>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 nozarm nozarm 22470 Nov 8 10:39
>>>>>>>> testroutine-A001.err
>>>>>>>> and similar files for A002 through A005.
>>>>>>>> I even looked at your usrbin plot and it looks fine.
>>>>>>>> I am attaching the flair project file with the run definition. I
>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>> your problem was with the way you were running fluka at the end.
>>>>>>>> Best wishes,
>>>>>>>> Mina
>>>>>>>>> Hi everyone!
>>>>>>>>> I am wrtitting a custom SOURCE routine that generates beam with
>>>>>>>>> mixture
>>>>>>>>> of particles for example electrons and protons from DATA FILE.
>>>>>>>>> I read the FLUKA help part 13.2.19 and fluka discuss thread from
>>>>>>>>> Alberto
>>>>>>>>> Fasso
>>>>>>>>> I was able to write the routine and compile it with success!!! But
>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>> I run FLUKA It starts to work in a moment and crashes with
>>>>>>>>> "Finished
>>>>>>>>> with ERRORS".
>>>>>>>>> In my source.f routine:
>>>>>>>>> 1) I read file using OPEN command
>>>>>>>>> 2) I use READ command inside DO loop in order to fill arrays of
>>>>>>>>> particle-ID, coordinates, cosines and energy.
>>>>>>>>> 3) I put particle intanialization from input file in DO loop.
>>>>>>>>> DO 20 I = 1, NLINES
>>>>>>>>> NPFLKA = NPFLKA + 1
>>>>>>>>> IJBEAM = PARTID(I)
>>>>>>>>> TXFLK (NPFLKA) = COSX(I)
>>>>>>>>> TYFLK (NPFLKA) = COSX(I)
>>>>>>>>> ****** etc. ******
>>>>>>>>> 20 CONTINUE
>>>>>>>>> RETURN
>>>>>>>>> CALL SOEVSV
>>>>>>>>> I can't undertand why it happens because in my nohup.out file
>>>>>>>>> there is
>>>>>>>>> only one single line
>>>>>>>>> ======================= Running FLUKA for cycle # 1
>>>>>>>>> =======================
>>>>>>>>> /usr/local/fluka/flutil/rfluka: line 358: 1926 Aborted
>>>>>>>>> (core dumped) "${EXE}" < "$INPN" 2> "$LOGF" > "$LOGF"
>>>>>>>>> If someone has time PLEASE take a look and say why my SOURCE
>>>>>>>>> doesn't
>>>>>>>>> work.......
>>>>>>>>> I am attached files that I got after run.
>>>>>>>>> Thank You.
Received on Thu Nov 14 2013 - 21:09:26 CET

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