[fluka-discuss]: Irradiation calculation

From: Firpo Gabriele <Gabriele.Firpo_at_ann.ansaldo.it>
Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2014 13:21:56 +0000

Dear FLUKA Users,

I am a very novice user, interested particularly in particle irradiation/material transmutation calculations.
I did a first try to get in touch with the FLUKA approach to solve this kind of analysis, but I had some problems (probably due to my very limited experience with FLUKA).

You can find in attachment the input file, named "test.inp", that I created slightly modifying the "example.inp" input file that you can find in the FLUKA Manual.
My goal was to score the residual nuclei on Beryllium following 15 y of 10 MeV proton irradiation (cross section is attached in the .png file).

The residual nuclei output file I obtained, i.e. the unit 40 here attached, was all zeroes.

Am I doing something wrong and/or am I misunderstanding how to read the output?



Gabriele Firpo
Unità Reattori e Sicurezza - Reactor and Safety Engineer

C.so F.M. Perrone, 25

16152 Genova - Italia

Ph: +39.010.655.83.42



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(image/jpeg attachment: image001.jpg)

(image/png attachment: image002.png)

(image/png attachment: Protons_on_Be.png)

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