[fluka-discuss]: Post processing USRBIN file (*.bnn format)

From: Mohammad Islam <rafiqul.islam_at_okstate.edu>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 13:32:50 -0500

Dear Users,

Does anybody know how to read the *.bnn file that comes from USRBIN
using MATLAB or any other language. I tried to read it through MATLAB
but it did not give me the data I was looking for. I need to do some
post processing of the deposited energy which is in number of binary
files. FLAIR can read and plot it and also save it as *.dat file but I
have so many files that a little bit coding would be helpful. I
appreciate any help.

Received on Thu Oct 23 2014 - 22:01:44 CEST

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