Dear Helga,
It depends. I don't know in detail about of your particular application
but I guess citing the *FLUKA Single-User License *(as reported on the
website and in the package) bring you some light on the subject. There are
a lot of cut in the text and I suggest you to read the full version
available in the package or on the website.
If you are still not sure, you can contact the Authors or *Fluka Scientific
Committee* <> with a description of your work.
About what you can do w/o any restrictions
> [....] Note that there are no restrictions in comparing the projections
> of FLUKA against the projections of similar codes employed for the primary
> purpose of assisting in the evaluation of that experiment or situation, and
> no restrictions under the License Agreement regarding publication of the
> results obtained with the FLUKA code. [....]
About what *is not *in the
*FLUKA Single-User License:*
> When the FLUKA code is employed to simulate a reference experiment [...],
> for the PRIMARY PURPOSE of evaluating the performances of FLUKA, and/or
> comparing the predictions of various codes such as FLUKA with respect to
> one and other, this is termed "Benchmarking" in the License Agreement, and
> it is a manifestly disallowed use of the code without prior written
> permission from the authors. [...]
> - Any code intercomparison exercise sponsored by institutions /
> conferences, and/or aimed at publication in a scientific magazine etc.
> - Comparison of FLUKA results with particle production data from thin
> target experiments
> - Comparison of FLUKA results with data on ion beam fragmentation in
> thin or thick targets
> - Evaluation of the FLUKA performances on the reproduction of
> experimental data on ionization and range of charged particles
> - Calculation of cross sections, total or differential, that are then
> used an a different MonteCarlo code to determine mean free paths and/or
> reaction kinematics.
> - Coupling of the whole FLUKA or parts of it with other codes, for
> instance to use FLUKA as an hadron interaction generator for a different
> transport code. Note that it instead allowed to write a dump file from
> FLUKA and use it as a source for further processing.
On Mon, Apr 20, 2015 at 1:54 PM, Helga Holmestad <>
> I learned that all FLUKA simulations that is published or presented
> should be approved by someone beforehand. How is this done in practice. I
> am currently doing data analysis which includes comparison between data and
> FLUKA simulations. I would like to know the procedure I have to go trough
> before I can present any of this.
> Best regards,
> Helga
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Received on Wed Apr 22 2015 - 00:54:38 CEST