From: Paolo MAESTRO (
Date: Sat Jun 12 2004 - 00:10:47 CEST
Hi Fluka users,
I simulated a sampling calorimeter
made of tungsten layers (0.35 cm thick)
alternated with planes made of 0.05 cm thick scintillator.
I noticed that protons (150 GeV kin. energy),
passing through the detector as minimum ionizing particles,
deposit energy in each scintillator plane only at the end of
the considered region at the boundary with the next region.
To explain better, if a scintillator plane extends
from z= -0.35cm to z=-0.4 cm
, dumping the energy deposit in MGDRAW & ENDRAW
subroutine of mgdraw.f, it turns out that
the deposit is recorded at z=-0.4 cm, i.e.
at the boundary with the next tungsten layer.
This has no physical meaning, and I guess it depends from
the fact that the step size is bigger than the considered region
thickness. I tried to set by hand a step size for the scintillators planes
using the STEPSIZE options and it seems working well.
But I wonder:
- which is the empirical rule to set the min and max stepsize ?
(I tried min = 1/50 scintillator thickness and max = 1/10)
- in my case, do I need to set STEPSIZE also for tungsten layers?
- is this procedure to avoid the energy deposit at boundaries correct ?
Many thanks for your help.
Best regards
Paolo Maestro
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