Date: Fri Jan 13 2006 - 11:34:22 CET
Dear all Fluka users,
Firstly i will present my problem ,
I have many configurations of labyrinths to simulate. For this purpose
and in order to limit the amount of CPU time for the calculations,
I am trying to create a "collision tape" file, in wihch particles
information reaching a virtual plane which is the boundary between air
and the entry of the labyrinth.
As i understood the main informations that fluka needs to transport
particles crossing the virtual plane to the entry of the labyrinth are:
* Number of total particles
*Total weight of the particles
*Particle type
*Coordinates of particle
*Direction cosines
So my questions are:
1/ How to activate BXDRAW in the subroutine MGDRAW with the USERDUMP
card ? (I could not found indication in the fluka manual)
2/ Since the location of the beam and the target are so far from the
entry of labyrinth and particles should interact with many local
shielding materials before reaching the entry of the labyrinth, should
i need information of primaries to store in the "collision tape" file
with SODRAW ?
3/ If in the INCLUDE file TRACKR (properties of the currently
transported particle) i could not found all informations about
parameters that i may use especially (Total weight, number of total
particles (NTRACK ???) ?
In the Fluka manual 2005.6 it was mentionated ".... Files flukaadd.add
and emfadd.add contain a full documentation about the meaning of the
variables of these INCLUDE files..." but i could not found this in the
fluka 2005.6 package.!! how can i get it ?
Any helps please,
Best regards
-- ------------------------------------------------ Maher CHEIKH MHAMED PhD Student Institut de Physique Nucléaire - Orsay Division Accélérateurs - Groupe Cibles & Sources IPN F-91406 Orsay Cedex Tél : +33 (0)1 69 15 62 25 Fax : +33 (0)1 69 15 30 62 ------------------------------------------------
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