From: Tang, Alfred (
Date: Sun Sep 24 2006 - 04:03:52 CEST
I have similar experience myself. But I don't think that you made a mistake. FLUKA uses a separate neutron transport alogorithm (downscattering matrix) for low energy (below 19.6 MeV) and the default number of energy bins is 72. In my input card, I may set the number of energy bins to 100 for neutron transport. But FLUKA may return 114 bins and so on. If you have to have 100 bins exactly, there may be ways to reset the defaults. But it seems easier just to take whatever FLUKA gives you.
Alfred Tang
Physics Department
Kansas State University
13 Cardwell Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506
(785) 532-1699
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Bhushankumar Jagannath Patil
Sent: Sat 9/23/2006 6:20 AM
Subject: USRBDX card
I am using USRBDX card to score neutron fluence as
USRBDX 101.0 8.0 -61.0 7.0 6.0
USRBDX 0.015 1e-14 100.0 &
in this example i have asked for 100 energy bins between the enrgy range
15 MeV to 1e-5 ev. But the *.tab.lis giving only 72 energy bins in the
enrgy range 1e-5 ev to 19.6 MeV. where i had made a mistake? when i am
using following USRBDX card then also it is giving 72 enrgy bins with the
same enrgy range.
USRBDX 101.0 8.0 -61.0 7.0 6.0
USRBDX 1e-08 1e-14 100.0 &
So i want to know how can i set the max and min energy limit in USRBDX
card to score neutron energy spectrum in the energy range 1e-5eV to 10 ev
with 100 energy bins.
Patil Bhushankumar J.
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