From: Alfredo Ferrari (
Date: Tue Nov 28 2006 - 15:59:56 CET
the selection on which boundary crossing you dump the particle is done
inside the user routine mgdraw. Adapt the one you have in
usermvax/mgdraw.f for your purposes in the ENTRY MGDRAW part.
Be EXTREMELY CAREFUL to particle weights to avoid to consider all
particles on same footing (ie weight equal 1) if they are not.
Concerning the discrepancy on the manual, please look inside mgdraw
in which order variables are really written.
On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Holbourn, MP (Martin) wrote:
> Experts,
> My geometry is similar to that found at most storage rings - a concrete ratchet wall with a beampipe through the end wall. My job runs successfully and I do indeed get high energy photons streaming through the hole in the concrete from electrons lost upstream on a collimator. What I want to do is use these photons as the source to a separate phased run as described in the section of the manual relating to collision tapes. The manual seems to suggest that one can record all particles crossing a given boundary but how do you specify which boundary crossing you are interested in? Option USERDUMP does not seem to contain any info on how to specify a boundary so am I missing something? Should WHAT(3) of USERDUMP be = 1?
> Also how does one write subroutine SOURCE to read the collision tape? Page 416 of the manual says for case 3 (source particles) the first record contains
> and the next record
> (ILO(I), ETOT(I), WT(I), XA(I), YA(I), ZA(I), TX(I), TY(I), TZ(I), I=1,LSTACK)
> BUT P438 of the manual suggests reading the collision tape by the statement
> which is a different order of variables than written to the tape - again I might have misunderstood what is going on here.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction or perhaps share a working source.f routine that does what I am trying to do.
> Thanks for any help,
> Regards
> Martin Holbourn
> Radiation Protection Adviser
> Daresbury Laboratory
> Daresbury
> Warrington
> Cheshire
> WA4 4AD
> Tel: 01925 603266
> Fax: 01925 603381
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