From: Alberto Fasso' (fasso@SLAC.Stanford.EDU)
Date: Thu Jan 18 2007 - 21:00:24 CET
On Wed, 17 Jan 2007, Ercan Pilicer wrote:
> 1. i was mistaken with using WHAT(1)>0.0 for BEAM properties. the true
> way i should use is WHAT(1)<0.0 as kinetic energy for Helium. nothing
> was clear for this in the example.
Which example? In the manual? In the manual there a lot of examples about
BEAM, with both momentum and energy.
> 2. about Xmin,Ymin,Zmin and Xmax,Ymax,Zmax parameters of URSBIN, it
> makes no problem since FLUKA swaps these parameters accordingly. lucky
> me:)
Lucky you indeed. This check did not exist until some time ago.
> 3. i noticed the file size of fort.76 is big and there must be sth
> inside. however could you tell us the use of pawlevbin briefly and
> how?
I don't know about pawlevbin (maybe somebody else can help you with it).
But there is not only pawlevbin. Try $FLUPRO/flutil/usbrea.f: it converts
a binary binning file to ASCII.
> 4. my attention has been drawn to use DELTARAY and EMFCUT options.
> thats ok however where can i find reasonable values for them if that
> is important?
I am afraid you need some physical judgment for that. If you have no idea at
all about what you could expect, I suggest that you try different values,
for instance 50 keV, 100 keV, 500 keV, 1 MeV, and see how the results differ.
> 5. i dont know if these tracks SRIM sees are by DELTARAYs. but it says
> ION RANGE is 46mm when the deposited energy tracks with FLUKAGUI is
> around 2.5cm.
By default, FLUKA does only an approximate transport of alpha particles.
You must ask for detailed transport:
EVENTYPE 0.0 0.0 2.0
And then, if you want to calculate the range, you need to make sure that
the energy cutoff is not too high. Without a DEFAULTS card, or with
DEFAULTS/NEW-DEFA, the cutoff is 1 MeV, with DEFAULTS/PRECISIO it is
100 keV. But I suggest that you set it even lower:
PART-THR -1.E-5 -6.0
(-6 is the alpha particle number).
> 6. i have been controlling the values for etrack and am(jtrack) by
> dumping into a file. i have noticed it dumps real values for particle
> mass, then i changed energy into a real one.
I repeat what I said before, namely that the best thing is to use
systematically double precision until the last moment, when you have
to dump, or to call HBOOK. For these, you need to convert to real,
to save space in the first case, and because HBOOK only accepts reals in the
second case.
> 7. for ytup(3), i think it makes the same by using either with sngl or
> without. i should better check them again. should i use sngl(XXX) for
> all parameters, and fill HBOOK by converting them into real?
I think you are confusing things: SNGL converts from DOUBLE PRECISION to
REAL. So (see above), use DOUBLE PRECISION, and convert by using SNGL
just when filling HBOOK.
> 8. but what happens when i convert a 0.0001 number into integer? it
> becomes 0 for all values less than 0.999.
Instead of
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