From: Thomas Otto (
Date: Thu Jan 25 2007 - 19:23:31 CET
Attention, the FLUSCW-routine of Stefan Roesler converts fluence in dose
equivalent, not absorbed dose. For the latter, there is an example
COMSCW in the fluka manual, which is converting GeV/cm3 into J/kg = Gy .
Sebastien WURTH wrote:
> Hello Yann,
> 1) I don't think there is anything wrong in your input file concerning
> your BEAM definition.
> When I describe an isotropic source, I can also read the same (about
> beam direction cosines) in my *.out file, and my source
> is definitely isotropic. You can check it by plotting the fluence
> obtained with USRBIN (with usbsuw+pawlevbin+bpawlev or flukagui)
> to be sure.
> 2) You can calculate dose by using USERWEIG card and routine fluscw.f
> if you calculate fluence (your case) or comscw.f if you calculate
> energy density.
> It is explained in the manual, in USRBIN section (note 5), USERWEIG
> section and user routines chapter.
> You can also calculate dose with a special fluscw routine by Stefan
> Roesler (and al) named deq99c.f with USRBIN, USRBDX, USRTRACK (see
> several mails in the mailing list in that subject).
> Available : dose provided by neutrons, protons, charged pions, muons,
> photons and electrons.
> Hope it helps.
> Regards.
> Sebastien.
> wrote :
>> Dear FLUKA users,
>> I would like to calculate the dose generated by gamma and neutron.
>> The source is isotropic and located at (0, 0, 0).
>> My first question is :
>> I have specified a WHAT(3)=1.0E+4 in the BEAM card. I have a doubt
>> about the
>> output file. It says that the beam direction cosines are 0 0 1: means
>> in the z
>> direction.
>> Beam particle: NEUTRON Id: 8 (Fluka) 2112 (PDG) Charge: 0
>> Baryon n.:
>> 1
>> Mass: 0.9396 (GeV/c^2) Mean life: 888.6
>> (s) Weight:
>> 1.000
>> Average beam momentum : 0.097060 (GeV/c)
>> Average beam kinetic energy: 0.005000 (GeV)
>> Momentum deviation at FWHM (gaussian): 0.0000000 (GeV/c)
>> Beam hit position : 0.00000000 0.00000000
>> 0.00000000
>> cm
>> Beam direction cosines: 0.00000000 0.00000000
>> 1.00000000
>> Beam spot FWHM X-width (Rectangular ): 0.0000 cm
>> Beam spot FWHM Y-width (Rectangular ): 0.0000 cm
>> Beam FWHM angular divergence (Rectangular ): *********
>> (mrad)
>> The nominal beam position belongs to region: 1(Reg.#1 ),
>> lattice
>> cell: 0( )
>> Is there something wrong in my input file?
>> The source is surrounded by a Polyethylene container. I would like to
>> calculate the dose (Sv/h or Rem/h) coming from gamma and neutrons
>> outside this
>> container as a function of the positions.
>> First, is it possible to calculate the dose of gamma and neutron ?
>> If yes, how can I calculate this values ?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Best Regards
>> --
>> Pièces jointes
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