From: Markus Brugger (
Date: Thu Feb 01 2007 - 20:32:46 CET

  • Next message: Sunil C.: "Photoneutron Yiled"


    Florian already pointed out a possible mistake in your geometry
    (nitrogen volume and PB tubes), however this doesn't affect what you
    observe with respect to the source sampling (run's fine).

    As for your "isotropic" sampling it's not fully clear to me what you
    would like to do. In case you search to homogeneously irradiate your
    tubes from below I would suggest to use the BEAM card of FLUKA and apply
    a rectangular shape to your beam:

    WHAT(4) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in x-direction in cm. The
                         profile is assumed to be rectangular.
    WHAT(5) > 0.0 : If WHAT(6) > 0.0, beam width in y-direction in cm. The
                         profile is assumed to be rectangular.

    Furthermore, did you set SDUM of BEAMPOS to NEGATIVE on purpose? In your
    source routine you then not only set the particle source location and
    direction cosines but also WBEAM yourself.



    > -----Original Message-----
    > From:
    > [] On Behalf Of
    > Sent: 31 January 2007 10:57
    > To:
    > Subject:
    > Dear Fluka author,
    > I have modified source.f to illuminate isotropic beam of
    > neutron to my 6-tubes neutron monitor but after run fluka and
    > put the binary file from USRBIN to flukaGUI, it seem that the
    > neutron beam did not reach to my monitor as much as I think.
    > Is it because of my starting point of the beam far from the
    > monitor? (i 've changed from 1000 to 500 and last one is 100
    > as you see in my
    > attachment.) Or I did somethings wrong with the source.f
    > Ps I attached the data for using in source.f and the picture
    > from flukaGUI too.
    > Thank in advance
    > Best regards,
    > Preeksingh ...
    > -------------------------------------------------
    > This mail sent through MU-Webmail:

  • Next message: Sunil C.: "Photoneutron Yiled"

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