From: Ercan Pilicer (
Date: Fri Feb 02 2007 - 17:37:48 CET
you can download some eng pdf files,
On 2/2/07, Sunil C. <> wrote:
> Hi
> Thanks Mario for the references. The link pointing to CERN ref is is in
> French. IS there an English version?
> Regarding the isotropocity I have seen some calculation that predict symmetric
> behavior around 90 degree in the CM frame for any compound nucleus systems.
> Since GDR is the predominant component in the photo nuclear reactions even at
> 2 GeV, the photo neutrons would be from a compound nucleus like system. For
> Photons, CM and lab would not be much different and probably this behaviour.
> As for Nisy's question, The forward direction is always 10 radiation lengths
> while the lateral dimensions are 5 cm height and 5 cm width
> for all target elements.Even for Cu these lateral dimensions would be almost 4
> radiation lenghts. But for say W, whose
> radiation length is 0.35 cm (IAEA 188) these lateral dimensions are almost 10
> radiation lengths which is what my forward thickness is. W shows a dip at 90
> degree instead of peak. So does U. Pb shows a mild peak at 90 degree.
> I have attached an input for the case of Cu and plots of angular distribution
> of photoneutrons in n/sr divided by the incident electron energy.
> Regards
> Sunil
-- ======================= Ercan Pilicer High Energy Physics Department Uludag University, Turkey =======================
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