From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Mon Feb 12 2007 - 18:32:51 CET
In case it might be useful to complement the FLUKA manual for you and
other new users, I include here the slides of a lecture about user
routines which was prepared for the FLUKA course of 2006.
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, Appleby, RB (Robert) wrote:
> Hello,
> I was wondering if you could give me some help and advice
> on using FLUKA?
> I have created a simualation of the LHC beampipe, and fire
> some protons through some fields and into the beampipe wall. The hope
> is to compute particle distribution after showering to feed into another
> simualtion, so I need to extract the 4-vectors of particles
> inside FLUKA. Essentially, instead of producing some energy deposition
> histogram, I want to read out the actual particle information.
> Is this possible?
> Many thanks,
> Rob Appleby (University of Manchester, UK)
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