From: Alfredo Ferrari (
Date: Tue Mar 27 2007 - 13:49:57 CEST
Are you sure you post-processed correctly the FC2 output?
>From the file you provided it seems that test-FC2-fort.47.txt is not
the output of a boundary crossing reading/interpreting a bdx binary
file but rather the one of another code (a tracklength sum/reading one?)
applied wrongly to a bdx output.
On Tue, 27 Mar 2007, Sunil C wrote:
> Hi All
> I have been trying to run a source routine with a simple geometry. I have
> two concentric spheres and am checking the boundary crossing from the inner
> sphere to the outer with the source at the center. I am expecting a
> cumulative yield of 1.0 since I have vacuum all around. I used the same
> input and source routine on two different machines. While I get the expected
> result on my laptop( with Fedora core 6) , I get a cumulative yield of
> 0.7on my desktop (running FC2). I also see from the USRBDX that the
> energy
> has been sampled properly from the source, as the plot of cumulative from
> the USRBDX perfectly matches my cumulative input in the source. This is not
> so in the other case.
> I have attached the input, source.f and the outputs from the 2 different
> machines.
> Can someone please tell what is happening?
> Regards
> Sunil
-- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Alfredo Ferrari || Tel.: +41.22.767.6119 | | CERN-AB || Fax.: +41.22.767.7555 | | 1211 Geneva 23 || e-mail: | | Switzerland || | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
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