From: Marco Mauri (
Date: Mon Aug 20 2007 - 11:35:23 CEST
I think the best way to handle this is by a shell script that changes
the value of the energy set in the input file and than starts the
For instance (just to give you an idea):
# Reading energies from file
# (assuming that each line in the file contains only the energy value)
energies=(`cat $ENERGIES_FILE `)
#Cycle through all energies:
for element in ${energies[@]}
#Modifying the energy in the input file:
awk '
if ($0~/^BEAM/)
#change BEAMcard definition to suit your needs (must contain the
full BEAM card)
%10s MUON+", e_string)
print BEAMcard
else print $0
' e_string=$element $INPUTFILE > $INPUTFILE.temp
# to do: running fluka
#End cycle
Yung-Shun Yeh wrote:
> Dear FLUKA users,
> I don't know if this question is appropriate in this forum.
> I am doing a simulation about estimation of muon-induced neutrons. In
> this simulation, I must vary the energy of primary muon and then do
> the simulation again. Earlier I varied the energy by hand, but it is
> not good method. Could anyone teach me any good way to deal with this
> routine. Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> Yung-Shun
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