From: Giuseppe Battistoni (
Date: Wed Oct 03 2007 - 22:46:06 CEST
in FLUKA is indeed possible to read events produced with an external
generator. In order to do that one has to create a specific FLUKA
executable introducing user code in the "user routines". In particular,
for your example, the main work is to program the "source" routine
that you find in file source.f in the subdirectory $FLUPRO/usermvax.
In order to make use of user routines you need to have a careful study of
the relevant chapter in FLUKA manual (it is chapter n. 13).
See also the lecture at the recent FLUKA course in Houston:
Best regards
Giuseppe Battistoni
On Wed, 3 Oct 2007, Dario Moricciani wrote:
> Dear All,
> I would like to ask some information about the cross section
> for the elastic and inelastic scattering of deuteron on Carbon,
> discussion already started by our student Francesco Gonnella.
> The (kinetic) energy range which is interesting for us is around
> 500-600 MeV, since we are not expert in the internal of fluka
> code. I will try to ask a simple question it is possible for fluka
> read an external file where is write for the coordinate (inside
> the target) where happen the interaction and the momentum of
> the deuteron in the final state and then fluka take care of the
> trasport this particle inside the apparatus ?
> Best Regards
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