From: Stefan Roesler (
Date: Wed Oct 31 2007 - 17:46:42 CET
Hi Markus
The tool $FLUPRO/flutil/usbsuw does the offline averaging (sum divided by
number of files) and creates a (binary) file with the results which is of
the same format. The tool is run from the command line. It is also used by
flair for that purpose.
On Wed, 31 Oct 2007, Markus Kirk wrote:
> Dear Users,
> Does anybody know if there is an existing utility software that allows one
> to sum the binary files produced by the USRBIN card?
> By 'sum' I mean each bin in the output file of such a utility contains the
> summation of the same corresponding bin from the input files.
> It could be that perhaps one can do this with the flair utility.
> However, is there also any single command line at the linux prompt that can
> achieve this?
> Something packaged together with the fluka installation?
> I thank you in anticipation.
> Yours sincerely,
> Markus
-- ___________________________________ Stefan Roesler CERN, SC/RP CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland Phone: +41-22-7679891 Fax: +41-22-7669639 E-mail:
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