Dear Sharmalee,
From your question I assume that you want to score only neutron fluence
but nothing else.
Using the default PRECISIO seems ok.
If you only want to score neutron fluence there is no need for the new
evaporation model, with heavy fragment evaporation which you activate
with the PHYSICS card. This is CPU time consuming and would not really
change your results. I advice you to not use this card, unless you are
also scoring residual nuclei or you are doing an activation study.
The EVENTYPE card switches on heavy ion transport but you do not need
this. Therefore you can skip this card.
Additionally, to save CPU time, you can switch off the time consuming
electromagnetic processes with EMF.
But be careful: if you want to score in the same simulation also the
dose, you certainly need the electromagnetic processes on.
Hope that helps,
Sharmalee Randeniya wrote:
> Hi,
> I need some help to set the physics for a hadron therapy simulation.
> The beam is protons. The beam transport nozzle and all the apertures
> are made of brass. I want to look at the neutron fluence down steam of
> the nozzle.
> These are the physics cards I set.
> *...+....0....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....0
> *...+....0....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....0
> Please advice me if these aren't correct.
> Thank you!!
> Sharmalee
-- ########################################### Florian Sommerer European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN AB-ATB-EET Mailbox Z04500 Geneve 23 CH-1211 Switzerland Tel : +41 2276 75582 Fax : +41 2276 77555 ###########################################Received on Thu Dec 04 2008 - 12:57:30 CET
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