Your card combination is correct,
so if you use the surface of the boundary between "LeadTarg" and
"Outervac" as normalization factor you will get pSv/GeV/sr per primary
On Mar 24, 2009 03:59 PM, "Burge, F (Frances)"
<> wrote:
> Dear Fluka users,
> I would like to use the USRYIELD card together with AUXSCORE to
> convert a photon fluence yield to dose equivalent around a lead
> target.
> So I have set up the following cards in my input file:
> USRYIELD 124 DOSE-EQ -24 LeadTarg Outervac 1.0 Flu_dos1
> USRYIELD 180. 0. 180. 3. 0. 6. &
> My first USRYIELD variable is lab polar angle in degrees, from 0 -
> 180,
> the second is particle energy with a single bin. I want to score dose
> equivalent in each of the angular bins if that is possible. The target
> is simply a ZCC, and the primary beam is travelling along the z axis.
> The quantity scored in USRYIELD is a double differential fluence
> yield,
> which if I was just scoring photons (rather than dose-eq) would be
> [photons/GeV/sr/cos theta].
> Now I guess what I get from the above cards is something like [pSv.cm2
> /GeV/sr] because of the folding of the dose coefficients with the
> fluence scoring.
> So the question is: If I normalise to the surface area of the lead
> target, will I be scoring the correct dose angular distribution in
> pSv/GeV/sr ? Or is the above combination of cards meaningless ?
> thanks for any suggestions,
> Frances
> Frances Burge
> Health Physicist
> 01235 778269
> Diamond Light Source Ltd.
> Harwell Science and Innovation Campus
> Didcot
> Oxfordshire
> OX11 0DE
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