Hello Eugene,
It is even easier now with the fluka2008.3 version.
Copy / Paste from the "release notes" file which comes with the FLUKA
- New generalized particles:
* Dose (GeV/g) (DOSE, generalized particle id 228)
* Dose equivalent (pSv) (DOSE-EQ, generalized particle id 240)
* 1 MeV neutron Si equivalent fluence (for Silicon damage)
(SI1MEVNE, generalized particle id 236)
* High energy hadron fluence scoring (hadrons with energy larger than
20 MeV)
(HADGT20M, generalized particle id 237)
- New option AUXSCORE (see the manual for details):
* allows to restrict scoring to selected (generalized) particles,
for selected scoring estimators. It is a convenient way to
implement filters that formerly needed a comscw or fluscw
user routines. For instance, it can be used to score energy
deposition from a definite particle type, or to separately
score heavy ion fluences according to mass and/or atomic number
* allows to select the set of dose equivalent conversion factors to
be used for the calculation of DOSE-EQ. The default set used
AMB74, ambient dose equivalent from ICRP74 and Pelliccioni data.
For other available sets please refer to the manual.
!!! Please note that no coversion coefficient set is available !!!
!!! for heavy ions, so there will be no heavy ion contribution !!!
!!! to the dose equivalent
Hope it helps,
Eugene Clark wrote :
> Dear Fluka users
> I would like to take the output from a USRBIN card which say tallies
> photons/cm^2 and convert it to dose at tun time, say convert to
> ambient dose equivalent H*(10). I believe this can be done if Fluka is
> complied with the FLUSCW routine and maybe an extra card such as the
> USERWEIG card is implemented, but how do I specify a particular
> conversion factor as given in "deq99.f-A FLUKA user-routine converting
> fluence into effective dose and ambient dose equivalent " by Roesler
> and Stevenson.
> If any one can spare the time with a step by step guide on how to do
> this I would be grateful.
> Thank you
> Eugene
> ***********************************************************
> Dr. Eugene Clark
> Department of Electronics
> Technological and Educational Institute of Crete
> Romanou 3
> Chania 73133
> Crete
> Greece
> Tel: +302821023041
> Fax: +302821023003
> email: e.clark_at_chania.teicrete.gr
> ***********************************************************
Received on Thu Mar 26 2009 - 17:17:33 CET
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