Dear Alberto
thank you for your answer
I generated fission fragments (HEAVY-ION card) inside different targets
(235U 233U 241Am) in order to score energy deposition in
a gas located in front of the target I usually used the ICARUS
Then I tried with 245CM in the EM-CASCA default
(adding DELTA-RAY FLUKA-FIX EVENTYPE cards in order to report
it to the ICARUS default but skipping LOW-NEUT)
but the run gets aborted
Is there a way to reproduce FFs exiting from a 245Cm target
Thank you
best regards
Francesca Belloni
----- Messaggio Originale -----
Da: Alberto Fasso' <>
Data: Venerdi', Agosto 28, 2009 9:10 pm
Oggetto: Re: 245Cm
Cc: francesca belloni <>
Cara Francesca
yes with EM-CASCA it is possible. Just define the material
MATERIAL 96.0 245.00 13.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 CM245
With other DEFAULTS you should be more careful since there is no
low-energy neutron cross section available. But pure electron-photon
interactions can be simulated up to Z0
On Thu, 27 Aug 2009, francesca belloni wrote:
Dear all
is it possible defining 245Cm as a material in FLUKA (EM-CASCA default)
Thank you
best regards
Francesca Belloni
Received on Sat Aug 29 2009 - 14:55:48 CEST
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