Dear Fluka Experts and especially to Paola Sala, Francesco Cerutti,
Vasilis Vlachoudis,Florian Sommerer, Andrea Mairani,
As I ask in 9th FLUKA course at BARC, India that what to do if the FLUKA
stack is full ?
When I was running the input for estimating the neutron fluence from
6MeV electron source. I faced the problem of FLUKA stack is full. While
running upto 6 cycle it runs and at 7th cycle after completing 480000
histories it shows the following error in .err file
because of missing room in FLUKA stack ***
**** Photonuclear interaction not performed
Because of this the fluka run stops.
Before this also I have got the same error. May be I am wrong but I
thought that this cause because of I have given very low number (2e-6) in
biasing of inelastic hadronic interaction length of photon using LAM-BIAS
option. So at that time I changed the biasing option in lambias card and
carry out the run for next runs, then it runs. So I never sent the files
and error to FLUKA discuss. But as discussion in fluka course I understand
that I should share such things.
Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere. Also tell me what to do in such
Thanking you.
Mr. Bhushankumar Jagnnath Patil.
Microtron Accelerator Lab.
Department of Physics,
University of Pune,
Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007
Ph. No. Off. 020-25692678 Ext. 421
Mob. 9823968377
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