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Subject: Re: Problem with MATERIAL card
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Sender: owner-fluka-discuss_at_mi.infn.it
From: "Nikolaos Charitonides" <charitonick_at_math.ntua.gr>
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 10:49 PM
To: "Angelo Infantino" <angeloinfa_at_hotmail.com>
Cc: "Fluka discussion" <fluka-discuss_at_fluka.org>
Subject: Re: Problem with MATERIAL card
> Hello Angelo,
> On 13/11/2009 6:39 =CE=BC=CE=BC, Angelo Infantino wrote:
>> Hi to all,
>> I'm trying to simulate the production of Cu-64 by irradiation of a Ni=20
>> target with proton (16.5 MeV).
>> Unfortunatly i have some problem with the material card:
>> 1) I have created a card material that i have called AIR and after i
>> have created a card compound in order to define the composition of the=
>> air: the problem is that in card compound (in the name field) doesn't=20
>> appear the AIR. this is really strange beacuse in other flair files i=20
>> haven't this problem!
> In the input file that you have attached us, the name of the material you=
> are defining is "ARIA", and not "AIR". Maybe this is your problem ?=20
> Because normally, when you define a MATERIAL card, (without of course=20
> stating the Atomic weight, as you correctly have done) then flair should=
> normally recognize that you are going to define a compound, and "make it=
> appear" on the name list, as you say.
> In the input file you have attached us, I can see that there is no name o=
> the compound you are defining...without that defined, FLUKA won't run.
Yes, you are right. This is a second input that i have made and i have
called AIR->ARIA, but the real problem is not the name that i gave it but
the fact that this name not appear in the compound e assigmat cards (this i=
the motivation because you don't see the name ARIA in the compund card)..
>> 2) In the simulations when the AIR has been defined without problem, i=
>> try to re-define the Nickel with another card material in order to=20
>> specify the isotope 64. I have filled all the WHAT but at the end of run=
>> in the .out file there was this error:
>> Abort called from FLRM64 reason NO RANDOM FILE Run stopped!
>> Why???? because if i assign at the same region the NICKEL inside fluka i=
>> haven't this problem
> I would suspect that the problem is the name you have given to the=20
> material. Try giving something like "MYNICKEL" (not more that 8=20
> characters) and try if this works. But I am not sure, and because I am ou=
> of office I couldn't actually check it. But I will do asap if this is not=
> the case....
I gave the name Ni to my defined Nickel for not have the problem of a name
too long. I don't belive that is this the problem, but i will try
with"MYNICKEL or somethings like that.
Sometimes i have this problem when i define a compund: for example i usuall=
use a compound with Co, Cr and Ni. I define Co and Cr with material cards
and after i define the compund.
If i don't active the LOW-MAT card for the Cr, FLUKA give me the message of
NO RANDOM FILE error.... but i don't understand why!
>> My last question is: i have read in the manual that is possible to defin=
>> the isotopic composition of a material by the use of MATERIAL and=20
>> COMPUOND card, but how?
>> I attach the input file in order to allow you to understand my problems.
> Yes, this is possible and easy. You firstly define the Materials with=20
> "MATERIAL" cards, (if of course they are not pre-defined fluka ones - see=
> them in the manual) and afterwards, you "bind" these cards into a compoun=
> card, defining the composition either by atom or by mass percentage. Note=
> that also compounds can be bounded together with the same way.
> I would suggest to have a look at the examples, that there are at the=20
> manual, they are really enlightening :-)
> All the best,
> Nikos
Thank you for your help.
Received on Sun Nov 15 2009 - 23:38:43 CET
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