Dear Konstantin,
Just to clarify the manual states, that
"Notice that at present it is not yet possible to request optical
photons as primary particles via the BEAM card. Therefore light must be
generated by a user-written SOURCE routine, or starting from ordinary
particles. "
You can still write your own source routine to define your primary
optical photons properties (OPTIPHOT particle code -1) and transport
them in your geometry providing you input the right parameters for the
different media.
Hope it helps
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Konstantin Batkov
Sent: Mon 4/26/2010 4:07 PM
Subject: optical photons as primary particles
Dear FLUKA authors,
The Manual says that at present it is not possible to request optical
photons as primary particles via the BEAM card.
I just wanted to ask whether there are any plans to implement it in the
near future or not...
Thank you,
Received on Thu May 06 2010 - 11:07:23 CEST
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